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In a shocking revelation, a recent study led by the All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, has discovered that at least 104 million people in India are suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). As per information available from the National Centre For Biotechnology Information’s website, OSA causes severe interruptions in sleep, as it is characterised by a collapsed air pathway, making it difficult to breathe.

Prevalence Of Sleep Apnea In India

Pulmonary and medicine doctors from AIIMS concluded in their study that approximately 11% of adults suffer from OSA in India, with men presenting a higher risk at 13% when compared to women at 5%. 

The AIIMS study more than 100 million Indians suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), which they termed as ‘a common sleep disorder associated with considerable morbidity.’ This means that severe OSA even results in either deadly health issues or death as a patient is unable to get adequate oxygen and can pass away in their sleep due to OSA. 

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To support their hypothesis, the doctors conducted eight studies comprising 11,009 subjects with mean ages ranging from 35.5 to 47.8 years. Out of the 11% of OSA patients, 5% belonged to the moderate to severe OSA range, which is approximately 47 million Indians when applied on the national scale. 

Sleep Apnea In India

The AIIMS researchers published the findings of their study in the latest issue of ‘Sleep Medicine Review,’ with the purpose of highlighting the magnanimous prevalence of OSA in India. Citing their purpose at the beginning of the study, they stated ‘There is an underrepresentation of data from India and other developing countries in global reviews of OSA prevalence.’ The researchers said that their findings underscored that this vast manifestation of OSA can have far-reaching negative consequences on the long-term health of the Indian masses, which in turn can bring down our collective productivity and economic prowess. 

“There is an urgent need to increase awareness about sleep disorders, among the public. Similar to other lifestyle disorders like heart disease and diabetes, we also require public health measures, and policy formulations for tackling OSA at a large scale in our population,” said Dr Anant Mohan, Head, Pulmonology, AIIMS, New Delhi, and the lead author of the study. 

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To do your part in alleviating the burden of OSA, keep a close eye on how you feel once you wake up. WHO informed that one of the biggest symptoms of OSA is fatigue upon waking up and snoring at night. If you suspect that you or people around you might be suffering from OSA, consult a healthcare provider on an urgent basis. 

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