World Suicide Prevention Day 2023: How Stigma Around Mental Illness Contributes To Suicide Risk

Onlymyhealth Tamil

World Suicide Prevention Day is observed on September 10th each year to raise awareness about suicide prevention and promote efforts to reduce suicide rates globally. It provides an opportunity for individuals, communities, and organisations to come together, share resources, and support those who may be struggling with suicidal thoughts or mental health issues. The day aims to break the stigma surrounding mental health and encourage open conversations about suicide to save lives. Speaking with the OnlyMyHealth team, Dr Rashi Aggarwal, MD-Psychiatry, Lokpriya Hospital and Medico Home, Meerut, explains the different forms of mental health stigma and how one can break stereotypes.

Different Forms Of Mental Health Stigma

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is one of the leading causes of disability, suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds, and people with severe mental health conditions die as much as two decades early due to preventable physical conditions.

Also Read: World Suicide Prevention Day 2023: Strategies To Overcome Hopelessness – A Risk Factor Of Suicide

Even with such alarming data, mental health stigma continues to exist. Self-stigma, meaning negative attitude towards self, public stigma – how people view one’s with mental health issues – professional stigma, and institutional stigma that is how institutes and policies negatively view mental health issues as well as people with them, are some of the common forms of mental health stigmas, says Dr Aggarwal. 

A systematic review found that stigma was the fourth leading barrier to help-seeking, defining it as “a process involving labelling, separation, stereotype awareness, stereotype endorsement, prejudice and discrimination in a context in which social, economic or political power is exercised to the detriment of members of a social group.”

Dr Aggarwal says, “A negative perception is frequently held of suicidal people, labelling them as weak and unable to cope with their problems, or selfish which further adds to the stigma which people with mental health issues already face.”

“Discrimination as well as social distancing from people with mental health issues as well as people who have attenuated suicide further adds to their burden,” she adds. 

Take A Step Towards Breaking Stereotypes

A study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found four strategies to combat stigma: Raising mental health awareness, social contact, advocacy by influential figures or groups, and the legislation of anti-discriminatory laws. 

“These strategies were in line with approaches that have been used internationally to disrupt the process of stigma,” the study concluded. 

According to Dr Aggarwal, mental health stigma is as bad as the symptoms of the illness itself and that’s why going to the right healthcare provider can provide relief as they can provide impartial and non judgemental feedback and support. 

She says, “The more we talk about it, the less the stigma becomes. Mainstream media like newspapers, tv channels, internet shows, social media – the more the conversation the better it will be.”

Also Read: World Suicide Prevention Day 2023: Expert Explains The Challenges And Solutions To Suicide Prevention

Recognise The Symptoms Of Suicide

According to the WHO, nearly eight lakh people die due to suicide every year, taking the life of one person every 40 seconds. Therefore, recognising the signs early is of utmost importance. These include:

  • Talking about wanting to die 
  • Feeling that life is not worth living 
  • Guilt or shame
  • Finding some notes, goodbye letters
  • Settling monetary/family arrangements 

However, Dr Aggarwal says many people are impulsive and therefore, may not show evident signs. “Some can also be passive like wishing they didn’t wake up in the morning, or how dull life has been with nothing to improve it. 

A Final Word

Reducing mental health stigma is a contributing factor in suicide prevention. We must collectively promote awareness, empathy, and accessible support systems. Education and open conversations should be at the forefront of our efforts, destigmatizing mental health issues and encouraging early intervention. It is our collective responsibility to create a world where seeking help for mental health concerns is met with compassion, understanding, and lifesaving assistance.

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