World Autism Day 2024: How To Manage Anger In Children With Autism Through Therapy

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a serious developmental disorder that impairs one’s ability to interact or communicate. Anger amongst children with ASD can be prevalent. There are various reasons that they experience anger which can include, difficulty in communicating, social interactions, sensory sensitivities and even changes in routine. 

ASD can make it difficult for children to express their needs and emotions which can lead to frustration and anger. Hypersensitivity to sensory stimuli such as loud noises or bright lights can sometimes get overwhelming and lead to anger. 

To understand how to address and manage these anger issues, OnlyMyHealth interacted with Dr Gaurish Kenkre, General Manager and Center Head, Atharv Ability. 

“Anger and emotional dysregulation are common challenges faced by children with ASD. These difficulties can stem from communication barriers, sensory sensitivities, or difficulties understanding and expressing emotions,” Dr Kenkre said. 


Here are some ways and therapies parents can help their children with ASD to manage anger. 


SAMP refers to stop, think, act, manage and problem-solve. This program as per Dr Kenkre has emerged as a promising approach to help children with ASD manage their anger effectively. “The STAMP program is a structured and evidence-based intervention designed specifically for children with ASD to develop skills for emotional regulation and anger management. Grounded in cognitive-behavioural principles, the program focuses on teaching children a series of steps to navigate their emotions and respond to challenging situations constructively,” Dr Kenkre said. 

Also read: World Autism Day: How To Improve Social Skills In Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

2. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Approaches like cognitive-behavioural therapy can be effective in helping children with ASD to manage their emotions. “By teaching coping strategies, relaxation techniques, and problem-solving skills, CBT equips children with the tools they need to regulate their emotions and respond to situations in a more adaptive manner,” Dr Kenkre said. 


3. Sensory Integration Therapy

This therapy aims to address the sensitivities that may contribute to anger and emotional bursts of children with ASD. Dr Kenkre said that by providing sensory experiences in a controlled and structured environment, this therapy can help children regulate their sensory responses and reduce distress.

4. Aquatic Therapy

Aquatic therapy refers to therapeutic activities conducted in water under the guidance of therapists or professionals. This therapy gives an environment that can benefit children with ASD and help them reduce their anger. Dr Kenkre said, “The buoyancy of water reduces the effects of gravity, providing children with a sensory-rich experience that can help regulate their sensory processing and reduce anxiety. The soothing nature of water can also promote relaxation and calmness, making it an ideal environment for children who may struggle with hyperactivity or impulsivity.” 


Also read: World Autism Day: From Signs And Symptoms To Therapy Options, What New Parents Need To Know


As the understanding of ASD continues to evolve, Dr Kenkre emphasises on the importance of exploring innovative ways to address the unique needs of children with ASD. Above mentioned ways and therapies have been promising for managing anger in children with ASD. No doubt there are enormous challenges that parents of children with ASD have to go through and overcome, but these methods help you understand your child better and help him or her to manage their irritability and anger. 

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