Ways In which Humidity Can Be Harmful To Your Health

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Humidity, or the quantity of moisture in the air, can have a significant impact on our comfort and health. While high humidity is frequently associated with hot summer days, its influence extends beyond discomfort.

According to the National Asthma Council of Australia, a humidity level of 30-60% is considered pleasant. Anything above this temperature range is considered humid.

Heat-Related Illnesses

High humidity can make hot weather feel even more uncomfortable. When you sweat, your body is attempting to cool itself down through evaporation. However, with high humidity, sweat does not drain as quickly, making it more difficult for your body to cool down. 

This can result in heat-related disorders such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke, which can be fatal if not treated swiftly.

Also read: Humidity Inside The Face Mask Is Good In Preventing Virus Transmission

Respiratory Problems

Humidity can aggravate respiratory disorders, especially in people who already have illnesses like asthma. Mould, dust mites, and other allergens thrive in high humidity, triggering allergies and asthma attacks. Also, the wetness in the air can make it difficult to breathe easily.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

Excessive humidity can foster the growth of mould and mildew. These microbes produce spores and poisons in the air, which contributes to poor indoor air quality. Prolonged mould spore exposure can cause respiratory problems, allergies, and potentially long-term health concerns.

Allergies and Skin Issues

Humidity can exacerbate skin conditions like eczema and acne. The constant moisture can lead to increased oil production and clogged pores, making skin issues worse. Also, high humidity can promote the growth of dust mites, which are a common allergen that can worsen skin allergies.

Decreased Productivity

Have you ever noticed how your energy and productivity seem to dip on humid days? High humidity can make you feel sluggish and mentally drained. It’s harder to focus and concentrate when you’re battling discomfort caused by sweating and stickiness.

Negative Impact on Electronics

Electronics and high humidity don’t mix well. Moisture can seep into sensitive electronic components, causing malfunctions or even permanent damage. It’s essential to keep electronic devices in a dry environment to prevent these issues.

Environmental Consequences

High humidity is often associated with climate change and extreme weather events. It can lead to heavy rainfall, flooding, and the destruction of crops. This has far-reaching consequences for ecosystems, food security, and water resources.

Also read: Not Only Cold Weather But Heat And Humidity Trigger Sinuses Too

Managing Humidity

To mitigate the harmful effects of high humidity, consider the following steps:

  • Use dehumidifiers to maintain indoor humidity levels between 30-50%. Ventilate your home by using exhaust fans, opening windows, or using air conditioning.
  • Repair leaks and address water damage promptly.
  • Use air purifiers to reduce allergens in your home.
  • Stay hydrated and take breaks when exposed to high heat and humidity.

While humidity is a natural part of our environment, it can have various harmful effects on our health, and the planet. Being aware of these potential dangers and taking steps to manage humidity levels can help you stay comfortable and healthy in both the short and long term.

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