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Based on the information provided, here’s an evaluation of your trading skills and how you can potentially trade based on the given levels:

  1. Technical Analysis Application: You demonstrate proficiency in technical analysis by identifying chart patterns and market conditions to anticipate price movements.
  2. False Level Strategy: Applying advanced strategies like the false level strategy indicates a deep understanding of technical analysis techniques for market prediction.
  3. Pre-Market Analysis: Conducting analysis before the market opens shows preparedness and proactive decision-making, essential for successful trading.
  4. False Level Identification: Recognizing false levels between 50% and 61.8% suggests a keen eye for detail and the ability to interpret complex chart patterns accurately.
  5. Moving Average Analysis: Considering the 45-day moving average for support indicates an understanding of key technical indicators and their role in determining market trends.
  6. Price Forecasting: Your forecast for Nifty’s movement, including potential opening levels and target levels, demonstrates the ability to make informed predictions based on technical analysis.
  7. Market Sentiment Consideration: Taking into account external factors like upcoming election results reflects an awareness of broader market sentiment and its impact on trading decisions.
  8. Training Offer: Offering free training and support to traders indicates a willingness to share knowledge and contribute to the trading community, which is beneficial for skill enhancement.
  9. Unique Nifty Levels: Identifying unique support and resistance levels provides valuable insights for trading strategies and decision-making.
  10. Clear Communication: Your communication is clear and concise, making it easier for traders to understand the analysis and recommendations provided.

Regarding how to trade based on the provided levels:

Remember to manage risk effectively by setting stop-loss orders and adhering to your trading plan. Additionally, continuously monitor market conditions for any changes that may invalidate your trading thesis.

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