Debunking Myths Associated With Oral Treatment And Pregnancy

A number of myths are prevalent when it comes to pregnancy and oral health. It is believed that women should avoid getting dental treatment during pregnancy, but apparently it is a myth. Maintaining good oral health is important for both mother and baby’s well-being.  To debunk some myths around dental […]

Symptoms Of Sleep Paralysis And Methods For Prompt Treatment

In case of sleep paralysis, a person temporarily experiences an inability to move or speak, often accompanied by hallucinations or a sense of pressure on the chest. While sleep paralysis is generally harmless, it can be frightening for those who experience it.  A study published in the Indian Journal of […]

jane sexual disease herpes treatment ko. जानें सेक्सुअल डिजीज हर्पीस ट्रीटमेंट को।

Herpes : हर्पीस को पूरी तरह क्योर नहीं किया जा सकता है। कई दवाएं इसके लक्षणों पर काम कर इसे कुछ हद तक नियंत्रित कर सकते हैं। होम रेमेडीज़ के साथ-साथ दवाएं भी इसे ठीक करने के लिए प्रयोग किया जा सकता है। कई सेक्सुअल डिजीज को पूरी तरह क्योर […]

Son-in-law and uncle-father-in-law died in hospital during treatment in road accident | ससुर का इलाज जारी, सोमवार को ओवरटेक करते वक्त ट्रक ने लिया था चपेट में

बलौदाबाजार6 मिनट पहले कॉपी लिंक सड़क हादसे में घायल संतोष ध्रुव की इलाज के दौरान मौत हो गई है। बलौदाबाजार जिले के पलारी में सोमवार को हुए हादसे में गंभीर रूप से घायल हुए दामाद और चाचा ससुर की इलाज के दौरान मौत हो गई है। वहीं ससुर का इलाज […]

Avoidant Personality Disorder: Warning Signs, Risk Factors, And Treatment

Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD) is a challenging mental health condition that makes its victims go through persistent feelings of social inhibition, inadequacy, and extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation. Individuals with AvPD often go to great lengths to avoid social situations and interaction, which has a significant impact on their personal […]

Dry Eyes In Children: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

Dry eyes are a pesky nuisance for anyone, but imagine the frustration of a child who doesn’t yet understand ways to relieve their uncomfortable symptoms and is not equipped to take measures for their health. Dry eye syndrome in children often goes unnoticed and can lead to discomfort and affect […]

Benefits and Risks of Gum Restoration Treatment

Gum health is a cornerstone of overall oral well-being. Strong, healthy gums not only provide a sturdy foundation for your teeth but also contribute to an attractive smile. However, factors such as poor oral hygiene, genetics, and certain medical conditions can lead to gum recession and deterioration. If you’re considering […]

Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Of Shingles

Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a viral infection that causes a painful rash. It is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. Though shingles may not be as well-known as other health conditions, its impact on those affected can be significant.  How Shingles Are […]

Eye Floater: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Have you ever experienced the puzzling phenomenon of seeing moving squiggly shapes in your line of vision? If so, you are not alone. Many individuals have reported witnessing these peculiar visual disturbances at one point or another, leaving them bewildered and searching for answers. While it can be unsettling to […]

Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Complications Of Tryponophobia

Are you anxious or frightened when you see a pattern of holes? Do honeycombs, sponges, or seedy fruits cause chills, nausea, or disgust you? If you are familiar with this experience, you may be having trypanophobia. We spoke to our expert Dr Narendra Shetty, Chief Wellness Officer, Kshemavana, who explained […]

Causes and treatment for scanty periods.- मासिक धर्म के कम होने का कारण और उपचार।

इस खबर को सुनें हर महिला के पीरियड हैवी या बहुत दिनों तक नहीं होते। कुछ महिलाओं को हल्के पीरियड और कम दिनों के लिए भी पीरियड होते हैं। हर किसी के पीरियड एक जैसे तकलीफदेह भी नहीं होते। पर इनमें अचानक किसी भी तरह का बदलाव चिंताजनक हो सकता […]

Possible Causes And Treatment Options Of Irregular Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle tells a woman about her physical fitness, emotional health, and balanced lifestyle. It is a very simple network of hormonal glands intricately working together to maintain our reproductive health, calcification of bones, texture and turgidity of skin, hair and functioning of the heart and brain. The menstrual […]

Reason And Treatment For Bags Under Eyes

Bags under the eyes or puffy eyes are the little regions of oedema(swelling caused by fluids). As you become older, the tissues around your eyes, including some of the muscles that support your eyelids, become weak. Fat that supports the eyes can then begin to shift into the lower eyelids, […]

Symptoms Causes Types And Treatment Of Appendicitis

A medical condition in which the appendix becomes inflamed and filled with pus is called appendicitis. The appendix is a tiny pouch-like structure located in the lower right abdomen. According to Mayo Clinic, usually appendicitis occurs between the age of 10 and 30. As per John Hopkins University, the appendix […]

Symptoms And Treatment Of Ruptured Eardrum

Eardrum is said to be ruptured when a tear or hole is diagnosed in the thin membrane that separates the middle ear from the ear canal. It is also known as a tympanic membrane perforation. The eardrum is one of the important components that make up our hearing system. The […]

Management And Treatment Of Traumatic Brain Injuries

According to the World Health Organization, Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) are one of the major global health concerns. They can occur due to motor vehicle accidents, sports-related injuries, falls and violence. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) can be debilitating and/or fatal. Hence, it is vital to understand how doctors manage and […]

know causes, symptoms and treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder. एक्सपर्ट से जानें प्रीमेंस्ट्रुअल डिस्फोरिक डिसऑर्डर के कारण, लक्षण और उपचार।

पीरियड के दौरान पेट के नीचे दर्द करना, बैक पेन, ब्लोटिंग, पीरियड क्रेम्प्स की समस्या आम है। पीरियड शुरू होने से कुछ दिन पहले ये सारे लक्षण प्रीमेंस्ट्रुअल सिंड्रोम (Premenstrual Syndrome) दिखने लगते हैं। पर क्या आप कभी इस दौरान मेंटल हेल्थ की भी समस्या से जूझने लगती हैं? इनमें […]

Impacted Wisdom Tooth- Treatment And Home Intervention

An impacted wisdom tooth occurs when a tooth does not fully emerge from the gums, leading to various dental problems such as pain, swelling, and infection. It is a common condition. Many people may require dental intervention to alleviate the symptoms. Dr Nihal Yadav, BDS (PGI Rohtak), Amayra Dental Clinic, […]