Symptoms Of Sleep Paralysis And Methods For Prompt Treatment

In case of sleep paralysis, a person temporarily experiences an inability to move or speak, often accompanied by hallucinations or a sense of pressure on the chest. While sleep paralysis is generally harmless, it can be frightening for those who experience it.  A study published in the Indian Journal of […]

Side Effects Of Working Too Much And Compromising Sleep

In our fast-paced life, it’s no secret that many of us find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities. We tend to push the limits of our work hours and sacrifice sleep in this process. But what if I told you that this relentless pursuit of productivity and success could be taking a […]

How To Overcome Sleep Problems In People With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ever noticed the trouble that you go through due to insufficient sleep? You may have problems concentrating, experience irritation, and lack energy. This is a common problem in people living with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). The connection between sleep problems and rheumatoid arthritis is undeniable, as the discomfort and pain associated […]