Rotator Cuff Problems: Symptoms, Treatment, And Preventive Strategies

The rotator cuff is an important group of tendons that surround the shoulder joint, providing stability and helping to lift and move the arm. However, due to overuse, ageing, or injury, these structures can suffer from problems, leading to shoulder pain. Recognising, treating, and preventing rotator cuff problems is essential to maintaining shoulder health and preventing long-term complications. We spoke to Dr Pavan Chebbi, MBBS, MS – Orthopaedics, Joint Replacement Surgeon, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Apollo Spectra Hospital, Bengaluru, who listed signs of rotator cuff problems and how to treat and prevent them. 

Symptoms of Rotator Cuff Problems


Recognising rotator cuff problems is essential to focus on symptoms that may indicate an underlying problem. Dr Chebbi listed its common symptoms as follows:

  • Chronic shoulder pain, especially when raising or rotating the arm
  • Weakness in the affected shoulder
  • Difficulty reaching above the head

“Many people may also experience a clicking or popping sensation, as well as increased pain and other discomfort in the affected area during sleep”, added Dr Chebbi.  

According to the Physiotherapy and Sports Injuries Centre, tendons weaken and degenerate with age, making them more prone to tearing as people get older and less active. Tendons have a limited blood supply, which further complicates their delayed healing. A degenerative tear in the shoulder may occur more frequently as a result of repetitive stress.

Also Read: Do You Have Shoulder Pain After Swimming? This May Be Due To Swimmer’s Shoulders

Treatment Rotator Cuff Problems

Here are some treatment measures for rotator cuff problems as listed by the expert:


Ice and Rest

  • Initial treatment for mild pain may include applying ice to reduce swelling.
  • It is important to relax the shoulders to get relief from mild pain.

Physical Therapy

  • Physical therapy helps significantly in strengthening the muscles around the shoulder joint.
  • Therapists design specific exercises to improve flexibility, stability and overall shoulder function.


  • Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) may be recommended to manage pain and reduce inflammation.
  • In some cases, corticosteroid injections may be given to provide temporary relief from severe inflammation.


  • In more severe cases, treatment may require the use of a sling to promote shoulder stabilisation.
  • Supportive braces or wraps can provide additional stability during the recovery process.
  • Hyaluronic gel and PRP/ Stem-cell can be used in providing a good healing environment for some types of tears.


  • In cases of significant rotator cuff tears or injuries that do not respond to conservative treatments, surgical intervention may be considered.
  • Arthroscopic procedures or open surgery may be performed to repair or reconstruct the damaged tendon. Mostly, these surgeries are done on a daycare basis.

Prevention Strategies For Rotator Cuff Problems

Dr Chebbi listed the prevention strategies for rotator cuff problems as follows:


Regular Exercise

  • Regular exercise is essential to maintain the strength and flexibility of other muscles of the body, including the shoulders.
  • Focus on exercises that target the rotator cuff, such as external rotation and shoulder abduction movements.

Proper Technique

  • Ensure proper technique for activities that involve repetitive shoulder movements.
  • Whether lifting weights, playing sports, or performing daily tasks, using proper form reduces the risk of overloading the rotator cuff.

Warm-up and stretching

  • Before any physical activity, warm up is essential to prepare the muscles for the movement.
  • Incorporate stretching exercises that target the shoulders to improve flexibility and reduce tension.
  • Excess body weight can cause additional stress on the shoulder joints. Maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise can reduce the risk of rotator cuff problems.


Dr Chebbi concluded, “Rotator cuff injuries are possible for any player. Recognising, treating, and preventing rotator cuff problems is essential. These include early identification of symptoms, appropriate treatment modalities, and proactive measures to maintain shoulder health. By incorporating these strategies into daily life, individuals can protect the rotator cuff.  After surgical repair of the cuff, a return to active and altered sports is possible.”

[Disclaimer: This article contains information provided by a registered healthcare professional and is for informational purposes only. Hence, we advise you to consult your expert if you notice any symptoms to get the necessary treatment.]

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