Rishabh Pant Shares His Recovery From Almost Fatal Car Crash, Expert Lists Tips For Bone Health Post Fracture

In an inspiring Instagram post, Rishabh Pant, an Indian cricketer shared his recovery after suffering a major car accident in December of 2022. From walking on crutches to now running on the field, Pant captioned the video with motivational words, “Remember when it was hard and it was overwhelming and you felt afraid and still walked alone?”

He continued, “You didn’t have the answers then and couldn’t see the way and wanted to give up? You still kept going. Never forget that.” 

Pant’s recovery is nothing short of commendable considering the magnitude of the accident he went through. Apparently, he fell asleep at the wheel, causing his car to collide with a divider and set on fire, while Pant suffered multiple injuries and fractures. Here’s a breakdown of best practices to employ to heal your bones after a major accident.

Non-Healing Fracture

Suffering a fracture can make it doubly tough to bounce back to your previous healthy self. This is because, as explained by a study published in the Archives of Osteoporosis, bone fracture increases the risk of chronic widespread body pain, especially in the case of spine and hip fractures.

Talking to the team of OnlyMyHealth, Dr Kunal Kanti Pal, Consultant, Orthopedics and Joint Replacement Department, CMRI Kolkata, shared what to do after a bone fracture to accelerate your healing. He said, “If proper care and precautions are not practised after suffering bone fractures, it causes a non-healing fracture in which fractured bones don’t grow back properly, causing pain and inability to use that body part properly.” 

He listed the symptoms you may witness that point to a non-healing fracture:

  • Tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Excruciating pain felt deep inside the damaged bone
  • Weak bones that can not support weight
  • Pain and weakness
Rishabh Pant Shares His Recovery From Almost Fatal Car Crash, Expert Lists Tips For Bone Health Post Fracture

Tips For Bone Health After A Fracture

Sharing some tips to fastrack your healing post fractures caused as a result of an accident, Dr Pal listed:

  • Balanced Diet: A well-balanced diet rich in all healthy food groups can promote speedier recovery. Make sure that your diet has increasing calorie levels and fresh ingredients.
  • Regular Exercise: Consult a credible doctor who can recommend certain exercises that are not strenuous and can promote blood flow and delivery of important nutrients to the fractured site.
  • Quit Alcohol and Smoking: Smoking and drinking can slow down your healing, as they affect the blood flow to your bones, and prevent them from getting essential nutrients for recovery.
  • Avoid Excessive Salt, Added Sugar, And Caffeine: Harmful substances like sodium, sugary drinks, and cola leach calcium from the bones and disrupt bone regeneration. They also interact with calcium and inhibit its absorption, causing the healing process to slow down. 
  • Do Not Take Unprescribed Painkillers: Depending on drugs and similar supplements for relief also slows down your body’s healing process. 
  • Avoid Overstraining: While light exercises are crucial for a speedy recovery, putting too much strain on your bones can be harmful and cause improperly healed fractures.
  • Take Rest Once Cast Is Removed: Avoid straining your healing bones and tissues once the cast has been removed. Avoid playing any contact sports or moving heavy objects immediately after cast removal. 
Rishabh Pant Shares His Recovery From Almost Fatal Car Crash, Expert Lists Tips For Bone Health Post Fracture

Surviving a major accident is a testament to resilience, but Pant’s recovery is an embodiment of the fact that the journey doesn’t end there. The process of recovery involves not only healing visible injuries but also rebuilding overall health, including the vital aspect of bone health. Dr Pal concluded that by prioritising overall health and specifically targeting bone health, anyone can rebuild not only their physical strength but also their resilience and well-being.

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