Possible Causes Of A Lump Behind The Ear

A lump in any part of the body can throw you off, and the first thought that is likely to come to mind is ‘cancer.’ But the fact is that most lumps are benign and heal over time. A study published in the Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences examined 241 patients with breast lumps and found that 75.94% were benign, whereas only 24.06% were malignant.

The same goes for a lump that you might spot behind your ear. While the primary thought could be a malignant tumour, in most cases, it is caused by benign conditions.

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Common Causes Of Lump Behind The Ear

“A number of factors need to be taken into account when determining the reason for a lump behind the ear,” Dr Arun Kumar Giri, Director-Surgical Oncology, Aakash Healthcare, New Delhi, told OnlyMyHealth.

According to him, a lump behind the ear could be a result of a swollen lymph node, also called lymphadenopathy, triggered by factors such as infection, a common cold, or a skin condition.

Lymph nodes are tiny structures that play a crucial role in the lymphatic system, which is a part of the immune system. They help fight foreign pathogens and abnormal cells, preventing infections and maintaining overall immune function.

These are found throughout the body, including behind your ear.

Infections, especially in the ear or throat, are quite common, and conditions like mastoiditis, abscesses, and otitis media can lead to bumps behind the ears.

Additionally, a lump behind the ear might also indicate a tumour, which could either be benign or cancerous, Dr Giri added.

Other possibilities include sebaceous cysts, acne vulgaris, and lipomas.

How To Know If It Is Benign Or Malignant?

Lumps behind the ear are generally not harmful, and working with your doctor can help determine the most effective way to address the lump and prevent potential issues in the future, suggests Dr Giri.

Often, the causes are non-serious and may improve on their own or with minimal treatment. However, if the lump is painful, increases in size, or comes with other symptoms, it’s advisable to seek medical attention, according to the doctor.

He said, “While rare, tumours can develop behind the ear, necessitating more complex treatment. If you notice a lump behind your ear, especially if it’s accompanied by sudden or concerning symptoms, it’s crucial to inform your healthcare provider. They can assess the situation, identify the cause, and recommend the most suitable treatment plan.”

Also Read: Do Mobile Phones Cause Ear Cancer? An Expert Tells Us

Self-Examination Is Key

Examining yourself is a great way to detect lumps, both benign and malignant. Here are a few questions to ask yourself while conducting a self-check behind your ears:

Is it soft and pliable? (It might be a lipoma.)

Is it tender and painful, especially to the touch? (It could be a pimple or abscess.)

Are there additional symptoms like fever or chills? (This could suggest an infection.)


A lump behind the ear could mean a lot of things, ranging from an infection to a benign or cancerous tumour. Before rushing to conclusions, it is important to understand the cause by speaking with a doctor. A medical evaluation will help determine the cause of your condition and provide you with the appropriate treatments.

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