Pancreatic Cancer: Expert Lists Important Tests To Detect This Cancer

Pancreatic cancer, a type of cancer beginning in the pancreas, is difficult to diagnose. In its early stages, pancreatic cancer frequently exhibits few symptoms, making detection difficult. Nonetheless, several tests can help with early discovery, which is essential for prompt treatment and a better prognosis. We spoke to Dr Vinay Samuel Gaikwad, Director, Surgical Oncology, CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram, who listed important tests to detect pancreatic cancer at the earliest.


According to the Chinese Journal of Cancer Research, the late clinical manifestation of pancreatic cancer is one of the main obstacles to detection. Pancreatic cancer is well-advanced when it is discovered. The pancreas is a retroperitoneal (the anatomical space behind the abdominal) organ located deep within the torso; hence, unlike breast lesions, it does not have any palpable external lumps or skin changes that could be observed during an annual physical examination. Also, it cannot be easily accessed by a digital exam, like the prostate, nor can it be directly and comprehensively evaluated by intraluminal endoscopic cameras, like the colon. 

Early-stage pancreatic cancer is typically detected by early symptom onset or by detecting disease-related symptoms during unrelated medical condition testing. However, stage IV diagnosis is the norm for patients with pancreatic cancer, as stated in the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.

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Tests To Detect Pancreatic Cancer


Imaging Tests

“Imaging examinations, such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT) scans are among the main screening techniques. Physicians can view the pancreas and identify any anomalies using these imaging techniques”, said Dr Gaikwad.

Endoscopic Ultrasound

Dr Gaikwad added, “Another useful instrument is Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS), which entails inserting a thin, flexible tube with an ultrasound probe through the mouth and into the duodenum and stomach to view the pancreas and surrounding structures in high definition.”


Blood Tests

Apart from the above-mentioned tests, blood tests also may help to detect pancreatic cancer. Blood tests like CA 19-9 can be used, albeit they are not specific to pancreatic cancer and can also show increased levels in other illnesses. This test is frequently repeated by doctors both before and after therapy to monitor the cancer’s response.

According to the American Cancer Society, when a patient has elevated levels of Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) or CA19-9 and is already diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, these levels can be monitored over time to assess the efficacy of treatment. These tests can also be used to check for any indications that the cancer may be returning if it has been completely eradicated.

Also Read: Can New-Onset Diabetes Be A Symptom Of Pancreatic Cancer? Doctor Answers

CBC Test

“A chemical panel or CBC are two more tests that can be used to assess an individual’s overall health (kidney and bone marrow function). These examinations can assist in assessing their capacity to tolerate the strain of a significant procedure”, added Dr Gaikwad.

Genetic Testing

Lastly, genetic testing may be crucial, particularly for people with known genetic disorders that predispose them to pancreatic cancer or a family history of the disease. A sample of blood or saliva is used in genetic testing to check for inherited DNA alterations that raise the risk of cancer. The results of your genetic testing may influence your treatment.


Dr Gaikwad concluded, “By combining these tests with routine examinations and screening recommendations, pancreatic cancer can be identified early and treated more successfully for patients. You must speak with a medical expert if you exhibit any signs or risk factors for pancreatic cancer. Early detection has a major positive impact on prognosis and treatment outcomes.”

[Disclaimer: This article contains information provided by an expert and is for informational purposes only. Hence, we advise you to consult your expert if you are dealing with any health issues to get the necessary treatment.]

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