Natural Ways To Reduce Cortisol Levels And Manage Stress

Natural Ways To Reduce Cortisol Levels And Manage Stress

Onlymyhealth Tamil

Prolonged stress can prove harmful for the heart and impact cardiovascular health in several ways. It can elevate heart rate and blood pressure, narrow down blood vessels, trigger inflammation in the body, cause blood clots, and damage the inner lining of the arteries, as per Dr Keshava R, Senior Director-Interventional Cardiology, Fortis Hospital, Cunningham Road, Bengaluru. 

Stress can also give you headaches, leave you exhausted, dizzy, and sweating. The reason behind it could be high cortisol levels. But what is cortisol and how is it linked to stress? In an interaction with the OnlyMyHealth team, Dr Keshava explains the connection and also shares ways to reduce cortisol levels naturally.

Also Read: From Stress Response To Cognitive Function, Role Of Cortisol In Human Body

Stress And Cortisol

“Cortisol is a hormone released by the adrenal glands in response to stress,” says Dr Keshava, explaining, “It readies the body for a fight-or-flight reaction, resulting in a temporarily faster heartbeat and increased blood pressure, which is a natural response to short-term stress.” 

Therefore, when a person experiences chronic stress, the body may produce excessive levels of cortisol, which can have detrimental effects on various bodily systems. Prolonged elevated cortisol levels can contribute to health issues such as high blood pressure, weight gain, suppressed immune function, and increased inflammation. 

Research suggests cortisol has several functions in the body, such as “mediating the stress response, regulating metabolism, the inflammatory response, and immune function.”

It is known to help process fear, arousal, and emotional stimuli to determine the most effective way to handle the stressors. This means, cortisol helps the body prepare to respond to stress by increasing alertness, energy, and focus.

In addition, cortisol plays a role in regulating metabolism by influencing the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats for energy. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help regulate the immune response. It can suppress the immune system to prevent it from becoming overly active, which is important for managing inflammation and preventing autoimmune reactions.

However, it is important to note that chronically elevated cortisol levels due to ongoing stress or certain medical conditions can have adverse effects on health.

Natural Ways To Reduce Cortisol

Here are some ways to lower cortisol levels naturally:

Regular physical exercise

Physical activity can help reduce cortisol levels, says a study, published in the Journal Psychoneuroendocrinology, which concluded that regular exercise was an effective strategy to lower cortisol levels, which not only helped manage stress but also improved sleep. Therefore, engage in activities like brisk walking, jogging, yoga, or tai chi to promote relaxation and reduce stress. 

Prioritise adequate sleep

Maintain a regular sleep schedule and create a calming bedtime routine. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.

Also Read: Stress Symptoms: Physical Effects of Stress On The Body

Adopt a balanced, wholesome diet

Eat a well-balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. In addition, Dr Keshava warns against excessive caffeine and sugar intake.

Practice relaxation techniques 

Techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness, can help manage stress and lower cortisol levels. This has even been backed by research published in the Journal Frontiers in Psychology.

In addition, Dr Keshava recommends spending time in nature and fostering positive connections with loved ones. 

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