Menstruation Migraines: Here’s How You Can Deal With Them

Menstruation Migraines: Here's How You Can Deal With Them

Onlymyhealth Tamil

Migraines can be debilitating and can impact your daily life. It becomes more troublesome when you have it during your periods. Migraines during periods are common, manifesting in many ways with or without aura symptoms, such as vision disturbances. Dr Madhushree Vijaykumar, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Motherhood Hospitals, Hebbal, Bengaluru explains the reasons behind what causes menstruation migraines and how you can deal with them.

What are Menstruation Migraines?

According to Dr Vijaykumar, migraines can be of two types, either with or without aura. 

She added if you experience a migraine without aura, some of the typical symptoms that manifest around thirty minutes before the onset of the menstrual headache include: 

  • Unusual changes in hand sensations, 
  • Alterations in smell and taste perception, 
  • Tingling or numbness in the hands or face, 
  • Difficulties in cognitive processing and thinking.


Other the other hand, when you experience a migraine with aura, you may show symptoms, such as: 

  • Vomiting, 
  • Sensitivity to light, 
  • Pain occurring behind the ears or eyes, 
  • Temporary visual impairment.

The Onset of Menstrual Migraines 

According to a study published in the Sage Journals, about 7.6% of all women have migraines in at least half of their menstrual cycles. And for women who already experience migraines, this happens in around 22% of them.

Menstrual headaches can onset either two days before the start of the menstruation or persist for a minimum of three days during the period itself. These headaches might also be triggered in adolescent girls upon reaching puberty and starting their menstrual cycles, persisting throughout their reproductive years.

Menstruation migraines can also be triggered during the perimenopausal and menopausal stages, due to a significant decrease in oestrogen, progesterone, and other hormone levels. Moreover, stress can also be one of the reasons, women suffer from migraines during menstruation.

How To Deal With Menstruation Migraines?

Maintain a Consistent Sleep Schedule

Irregular sleep patterns can exacerbate migraines. So having a regular sleep routine by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can help regulate your body’s internal clock and reduce the likelihood of migraines.

Stay Hydrated

Since dehydration can also be a migraine trigger, you should ensure that you are drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day.

Stress Management


You can also incorporate stress-relief techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and regular exercise into your routine to reduce the likelihood of menstruation migraines.

Dietary Considerations

You should also be wary of the foods you eat, such as processed foods, aged cheeses, caffeine, and alcohol, as they can also be a trigger. Thus, keeping a food diary can help identify specific triggers and guide dietary adjustments.

Hormone Therapy

For some individuals, hormone therapy can regulate hormonal fluctuations that trigger migraines. You can visit your doctor to ask for relevant therapy that would work in your case.


In cases of severe menstruation migraines, visit a doctor, as it may prescribe specific medications to help manage the pain and prevent the onset of migraines.

[Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. Consult your healthcare provider to get a thorough diagnosis and treatment as per your health needs.]

Image Credits: freepik

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