Lingering Cough After A Cold? Expert Explains Reasons For Coughing And What You Can Do About It

Are you still troubled with coughing even after weeks of getting over a cold? The common cold often has a lasting impact on our respiratory health, with persistent coughs lingering even after the initial symptoms have subsided. We spoke to our expert Dr Piyush Mishra, District Immunisation Officer, North East Delhi, who sheds light on the reasons behind the phenomenon of a lingering cough and offers guidance on managing this post-cold concern.

Understanding the Phenomenon

Dr Mishra explained, “While the cold virus itself may be defeated by the immune system, the respiratory tract can remain sensitive and inflamed. This inflammation triggers the body’s natural defence mechanism, leading to a lingering cough that persists even after the initial illness has passed.”

According to StatPearls, a cough is considered acute if it has persisted for less than three weeks. A cough is classified as subacute if it lasts for 3-8 weeks. Similarly, a cough is classified as chronic if it persists for longer than eight weeks.

A cough that persists after an infection is likely a result of increased sensitivity of cough receptors and temporary bronchial hyperresponsiveness as the body recovers from a severe pulmonary infection. This sensitivity is closely associated with the epithelial damage caused by the initial illness.

Also Read: Do Not Ignore Persistent Cough, It May Be A Sign Of Lung Cancer

Factors Contributing to a Lingering Cough


The respiratory tract’s sensitivity is often a result of the body’s response to the initial viral infection. Dr Mishra underscores the importance of understanding that the cough is not necessarily an indication of a persistent infection but rather a part of the body’s healing process. However, it’s crucial to differentiate between a normal post-cold cough and potential complications.

According to a 2006 study, approximately one in four individuals who contract an upper respiratory infection encounter post-infectious coughs, which are a common form of persistent cough.


Individuals experiencing a lingering cough should consider the following factors, as listed by the expert:

  • Post-Nasal Drip: Post-nasal drip, where mucus drips down the back of the throat, can contribute to persistent coughing. Hence, staying hydrated and using saline nasal sprays may help alleviate this symptom.
  • Reactive Airways: The respiratory tract’s reactivity may persist, leading to coughing triggered by irritants, such as smoke or strong odours. Avoiding such triggers and maintaining a well-ventilated environment can be beneficial.
  • Secondary Infections: In some cases, a lingering cough may indicate a secondary bacterial infection. If the cough is accompanied by symptoms, such as fever, chest pain, or coloured phlegm, seeking medical advice is advisable.

Managing Post-Cold Symptoms

Dr Mishra emphasises that patience is key when dealing with a post-cold cough. He added, “Hydration, rest, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can support the body’s recovery. However, individuals should be vigilant and consult a healthcare professional if the cough persists, worsens, or is accompanied by concerning symptoms.”

According to Harvard Health Publishing, after the onset of the cough, it typically persists for a duration of four to eight weeks. It’s advisable to refrain from inducing a cough whenever feasible, as doing so can exacerbate airway irritation and impede the healing process. When you sense the urge to cough, consider using throat lozenges or increasing fluid intake to reduce the frequency of coughing episodes.

[Disclaimer: This article contains information provided by an expert and is for informational purposes only. Hence, we advise you to consult your expert if you have any health issues to get the necessary treatment.]

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