Is Your Vagina Smelling A Little Off? 3 Things That Would Explain It

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

The vagina is an integral part of the female reproductive system known for its three main functions, which include providing a passageway for menstrual blood and mucosal tissue, for sexual intercourse, and for childbirth. However, even today, vaginal health is not a widely-discussed topic and something as common as abnormal vaginal odour is overlooked because people feel embarrassed to speak about it. 

Speaking with the OnlyMyHealth team, Dr Archana Dhawan Bajaj, Gynaecologist, Obstetrician and IVF Expert, Nurture IVF Clinic, New Delhi, explains the different types of vaginal odours, lists down the signs of abnormal vaginal smell, and discusses its common causes. 

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Common Vaginal Odours

It is important to note that vaginal odour is completely natural, says Dr Bajaj, adding that sometimes, it can signal underlying concerns. There are various categories of vaginal odours, some of which are listed below:

Normal Or Typical Vaginal Odour

Dr Bajaj describes normal vaginal odour as ‘distinct’ and ‘musky’, which she says can fluctuate or change over the menstrual cycle due to hormonal changes. They are usually not a cause for alarm and are an integral part of a woman’s natural physiological processes.

Mildly Sweet 

Some women may sense a faintly sweet fragrance during ovulation, which according to the doctor is a consequence of heightened oestrogen levels. A slightly bittersweet smell may also be a sign that your pH levels have changed.

Abnormal Vaginal Odour And Its Causes

Abnormal or irregular vaginal odour can be alarming for several reasons. For instance, if you have a fishy or an ammonia-like vaginal odour, it may indicate Bacterial Vaginosis (BV), which is an infection that stems from an imbalance in vaginal bacteria. Moreover, the infection is usually accompanied by increased vaginal discharge and discomfort. 

Then there are more concerning smells, such as a yeasty or bread-like aroma, which might signal a yeast infection, often accompanied by itching, burning, and a thick, white discharge.  In addition, an offensive, repugnant odour accompanied by additional symptoms such as itching, burning, or unusual discharge may indicate an underlying issue such as a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) or another health concern, which requires prompt medical attention.

A more common cause of unpleasant vaginal odour includes insufficient personal hygiene practices that can accumulate sweat and bacteria. 

Also Read: What Is Excessive Vaginal Discharge? Expert Explains Tips To Prevent It

How To Manage Abnormal Vaginal Odour

Here are a few ways to approach and manage abnormal vaginal odour:

  • Seek advice from a healthcare provider; he or she can ascertain the underlying cause through a physical examination and tests
  • Depending on the cause of irregular vaginal odour, treatments may be recommended; BV and yeast infections are often addressed with antibiotics or antifungal medications, respectively, while STIs necessitate specialised treatments prescribed by a healthcare provider
  • Adhere to proper hygiene, which includes gentle cleansing of the genital area with mild soap and water
  • Having adequate water intake and a well-balanced diet 


A mild vaginal odour isn’t concerning. However, if the smell is strong and offensive, it could signal an underlying medical condition. Any unusual changes in the intimate areas should not be ignored and must be consulted with a healthcare professional. Depending on the cause, the doctor will recommend the most appropriate and effective treatment.

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