Initial Symptoms Of  Hiatal hernia

Hiatal hernia: Here Are Some Initial Symptoms To Be Aware Of 

Onlymyhealth Tamil

Do you know what happens when a portion of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm and into the chest cavity? This condition may indicate hiatal hernia. 

While some hiatal hernias do not cause symptoms, others might cause discomfort and a variety of digestive difficulties. 

“Hiatal hernia may necessitate surgery and further evaluation when symptoms worsen and do not respond to medicine. A strangulated hiatal hernia is a consequence of advanced stage hernia in which the blood supply to the hernia tissue is cut off”, said Dr Vijay Chandra Reddy, Upper GI, General and Laparoscopic Surgeon at Apollo Spectra Hospital in Bangalore. 

Heartburn or Acid Reflux

According to one study, roughly 55%-60% of people over the age of 50 had a hiatal hernia. However, only approximately 9% of people exhibit symptoms.

Frequent heartburn or acid reflux is one of the most prominent symptoms of a hiatal hernia. Because of the weakening barrier between the stomach and the chest, stomach acid spills back into the oesophagus.

Pain or discomfort in the chest

As herniated stomach is so close to the chest, it can cause chest pain that mimics the symptoms of a heart attack. The pain, however, is usually distinct from cardiac pain and may be associated with eating or lying down.

Also read: Hernia in Children: Symptoms, Risks & Treatment

When You Face Difficulty While Swallowing

Some people with a hiatal hernia may find it challenging to swallow, especially when they consume larger meals or certain types of foods. This sensation of food getting stuck in the throat or chest is known as dysphagia.


Excessive burping, especially after meals, can be an early sign of a hiatal hernia. The hernia’s presence can contribute to increased air in the stomach, leading to frequent belching.

Feeling Full Quickly

If you consistently feel full after consuming only a small amount of food, it could be indicative of a hiatal hernia. The hernia might put pressure on the stomach, affecting its capacity to hold food comfortably.


Regurgitation involves the spontaneous flow of stomach contents, including acid, into the mouth. This can be felt when a sour or bitter taste and might be more noticeable when lying down.

Also read: Exercises To Do For Faster Recovery After Hernia Surgery

Coughing or Wheezing

In some cases, a hiatal hernia can irritate the diaphragm and lead to persistent coughing or wheezing. These symptoms might worsen when lying down or after eating.

After being aware of the initial symptoms of a hiatal hernia it becomes important to get a medical checkup done. While these symptoms may occasionally overlap with those of other health problems, chronic discomfort or changes in digestive processes should not be overlooked. If you have recurring heartburn, chest pain, difficulty swallowing, or any other concerning symptoms, you should seek medical attention. Early detection and care of a hiatal hernia can result in improved results and quality of life.

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