Importance Of Nighttime Oral Care Routine And How To Develop It?

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Right from our very first checkups, dentists have urged us to brush our teeth twice a day. When we’re tired after a long day and just want to crawl into bed, we get too lazy to squeeze another step into our bedtime routine. However, it’s time you ditch this habit and make some changes in your oral care routine.  We spoke to Dr Shourya Tandon, Professor and HOD and Associate, Dean, SGT University, Gurugram, who explained the importance of nighttime oral routine and tips to follow it.

Importance Of Nighttime Oral Hygiene


For most Indians, sweets, and salty, oily foods are a staple in our daily diet, indulging in which makes it crucial to practise nightly brushing. 

“If you have something sweet before bedtime and sleep without brushing, you are subjecting your dental health to major risk. Nighttime brushing is essential in maintaining good oral hygiene, as it provides more than eight hours of tooth decay prevention while we sleep”, informed Dr Tandon.

As bacteria feast on food sugars left on our teeth, they produce acids that gradually erode tooth enamel, ultimately causing cavities. Also, saliva production, which helps neutralise these acids, decreases during sleep. Therefore, nighttime brushing becomes key for keeping our teeth clean and ensuring effective cavity protection all night long.

Also Read: Expert Lists Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea For Oral Health

Simple Ways To Develop Nighttime Oral Care Routine

Dr Tandon listed ways to develop a nighttime oral care routine as follows:


Find Enjoyable Products

Select toothpaste flavours, mouthwash, and even toothbrush designs that appeal to your personal preferences. Using products that you enjoy can make the oral care routine feel less like a chore and more like a pleasant experience.

Create A Habit Chain

“By linking your oral care routine to another nightly activity, such as doing so right after washing your face or putting on pyjamas, you create a sequence of actions that become automatic over time”, added Dr Tandon. This ‘habit chaining’ helps reinforce the oral care routine, making it easier to remember and maintain consistently.


Set Small Goals

Instead of trying to incorporate every aspect of an oral care routine at once, start with manageable goals. For example, begin by committing to brushing your teeth every night for a week. Once you’ve achieved that goal, gradually add flossing and mouthwash to your routine. Breaking the process down into smaller steps makes it easier to stay consistent and motivated.

Also Read: Do You Floss Your Teeth? Here Is Why And How You Can Start It

Set A Bedtime

Establishing a consistent bedtime helps ensure that you have enough time to complete your nighttime oral care routine without feeling rushed or stressed. A regular sleep schedule also promotes better overall health, including the health of your teeth and gums. 

Make It A Fun Family Activity

Dr Tandon highlighted, “Turn your nighttime oral care routine into a bonding experience by brushing and flossing together as a family. This not only encourages kids to develop good oral hygiene habits but also allows parents to monitor their children’s technique and progress.” To make it more enjoyable, you can play music or create friendly competitions like who can brush for the full two minutes.

General Oral Care Tips


According to the International Dental Journal, maintaining good dental hygiene is essential for preventing cavities, controlling plaque, and improving gingival health. It is generally advised that people of all ages brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.

Besides maintaining a nightly toothbrushing ritual, it’s also important to practise some general oral care tips irrespective of the time of day. Here are some suggestions by Dr Tandon:

  • Rinse your mouth after every meal to wash away food particles and prevent plaque buildup.
  • Maintain high water intake to promote saliva production, which helps neutralise harmful acids.
  • Schedule regular dental checkups for professional cleanings and early detection of potential issues.


Dr Tandon concluded, “Sticking to a consistent nighttime routine not only keeps our mouths healthy but also encourages us to adopt healthier habits overall. So, let’s take a moment to examine our current bedtime rituals and make sure to include brushing as a daily must-do.”

[Disclaimer: The information in this article is shared by a registered healthcare professional and is for informational purposes only. We advise you to visit your dental expert if you face any issues with oral health.]

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