Hyperuricemia: Causes, Risk Factors, Complications, And Management Tips

Hyperuricemia Can Cause Other Health Conditions: Expert Explains This Condition, Its Causes, And Complications

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Hyperuricemia, a condition in which your body has high levels of uric acid in your body, is very common, yet difficult to diagnose. This is because it does not cause symptoms, but can lead to health conditions, such as kidney stones and gout. Hence, it becomes important to understand the condition to keep your health in check. We spoke to our expert Dr AR Dutta, Nephrologist, Fortis Hospital and Kidney Institute, Kolkata, who explained hyperuricemia, its causes, risk factors, and lifestyle measures to follow.


“The body produces uric acid, which is filtered out of the bloodstream during urination and removed by the kidneys in 60–65% of cases. The gut removes the remainder through the intestines and bile”, said Dr Dutta.

He added, “There may be issues if there is excessive uric acid production or improper excretion. This can result in the production of crystals, which can build up in the kidneys or joints and result in kidney stones, gout, or other severe health issues.”

According to a study by the Journal of the Association of Physicians of India, over 30% of patients with diabetes, hypertension or both conditions have hyperuricemia. Both acute renal damage and the advancement of chronic kidney disease may be influenced by high uric acid levels. 

“Yet, in asymptomatic cases, this can go undiagnosed. The importance of early screening for elevated uric acid and managing it properly is essential to manage one’s health well and prevent or manage related diseases”, added Dr Dutta.

Also Read: High Uric Acid Levels Can Be Dangerous: Ways To Manage It

Causes Of High Uric Acid 


“Certain kidney, gastrointestinal, or hormonal disorders can affect how well the body removes uric acid from the body, leading to elevated amounts of uric acid in the blood”, informed Dr Dutta. 

Excessive consumption of fatty meats, shellfish, alcohol, dry beans or peas, and fructose-rich foods—foods high in naturally occurring sugar, primarily found in fruits like apples and watermelon can also result in elevated uric acid levels. 

How To Identify Hyperuricemia

Most individuals don’t have any symptoms, even though elevated uric acid levels can have a severe effect on the body. “As a result, individuals must recognise risk factors and undergo early screening to diagnose them early, manage them well, and lower their chance of developing connected complications”, emphasised Dr Dutta.


Dr Dutta listed some of the identifying factors as follows:

  • Some people may have excruciating joint pain, soreness, oedema, or redness
  • Kidney stones caused by elevated uric acid levels can also cause symptoms, such as nausea, lower back or abdominal pain, and painful or difficult urination.

Asymptomatic hyperuricemia can raise the chance of developing several illnesses, including diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disorders. “However, up to 60% of individuals with hyperuricemia do not exhibit any symptoms. As a result, a large number go undiagnosed”, added Dr Dutta.

Also Read: Ayurveda For Kidney Health: Expert Lists Seasonal Practices To Follow For Kidney Health

Risk Factors For Hyperuricemia

Dr Dutta listed the risk factors for hyperuricemia as follows:

  • You may be more susceptible to this condition if you are male, aged, obese, or have a high body mass index
  • Overconsumption of red meat, seafood, fructose, or alcohol
  • There is an increased risk for those who have hypertension, diabetes, renal illness, hyperlipidemia, and hypothyroidism

Lifestyle Modifications To Manage Hyperuricemia


Dr Dutta listed lifestyle modifications that you should follow to manage hyperuricemia as follows:

  • Engage in physical activity like exercise every day
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Limit consumption of red meat, fish, and alcohol
  • Consume low-fat dairy products
  • Include vitamin C-rich foods in your diet
  • Consume more vegetable protein, nuts, and legumes
  • Avoid foods with high fructose corn syrup (a type of sugar) and reduce sugar-based beverages


Dr Dutta concluded, “If a person has any worrying symptoms or believes they may be at high risk of hyperuricemia, they should speak with their doctor. This will assist in developing a concrete plan of action to reduce their uric acid levels. Our goal is to provide solutions that benefit physicians and patients alike, making the screening and care process easier.”

[Disclaimer: This article contains information provided by a registered healthcare professional and is for informational purposes only. Hence, do not substitute this information with medical treatment and seek necessary medical help.]

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