How To Make ORS For Dehydration

Dehydrated? Here's How To Make Your Own Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS)

Yoga For Health & Wellness

Dehydration occurs when your body loses more fluid than you take in, resulting in an inadequate amount of water to carry out normal bodily functions. Some of the most common causes include not drinking enough fluids, excessive sweating, vomiting, diarrhoea, or certain medical conditions. Speaking with the OnlyMyHealth team, Dr Soumita Biswas, Chief Nutritionist, Aster RV Hospital, discusses the role of ORS, also called Oral Rehydration Solution, in preventing dehydration. In this article, we will also find out how you can make ORS at home. 

Also Read: Foods To Eat And Avoid If You Have Diarrhoea

Benefits Of ORS

“A person suffering from diarrhoea experiences dehydration, wherein the body loses water as well as electrolytes namely potassium, sodium, chloride, and bicarbonate,” said Dr Biswas, adding, “ORS stimulates water and electrolyte absorption in the gut by aiding in the replacement of the lost salts.” According to the doctor, it replenishes the body’s fluid, facilitates fluid absorption, and prevents dehydration. 

What makes the solution more beneficial is that it is convenient and accessible; it is available as pre-packaged sachets or can be prepared using readily available ingredients. Moreover, ORS is safe and suitable for people of all age groups, including infants, children, adults, and the elderly. 

Many healthcare organisations, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, recommend ORS as a primary intervention for preventing dehydration.

How To Make ORS At Home?

You can always buy and use commercially prepared ORS packets or sachets as they provide standardised and pre-measured amounts of ingredients. However, you can make ORS at home by using readily available ingredients. Here’s how you can prepare it at home:


  • 4 cups of clean drinking water
  • 6 level teaspoons of sugar
  • 1/2 level teaspoon of salt


Step 1: Start with clean drinking water. If possible, boil the water and let it cool. However, if you don’t have access to boiled water, you can use clean bottled or filtered water.

Step 2: Measure out 4 cups or 1 litre of water and pour it into a clean container.

Step 3: Add 6 level teaspoons of sugar to the water. Sugar provides glucose, which helps with the absorption of water and electrolytes in the body.

Step 4: Add 1/2 level teaspoon of salt to the mixture. Salt contains essential electrolytes like sodium, which helps restore the electrolyte balance.

Step 5: Stir the mixture well until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved.

Your homemade ORS is ready to be consumed. You can drink it at room temperature or chill it in the refrigerator if desired.

Also Read: Do You Have To Fast Before A Cholesterol Test? Know From An Expert

Other Ways To Treat Dehydration

If you suspect dehydration, it’s important to take certain measures. These include:

Drink water: Sip small amounts of water throughout the day. Oral rehydration solutions, which contain electrolytes, may be helpful, especially for moderate to severe dehydration.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol: These can increase urine production and contribute to further dehydration.

Eat water-rich foods: Consume fruits and vegetables with high water content, such as watermelon, cucumbers, oranges, and strawberries.

Rest in a cool environment: If heat is a contributing factor to your dehydration, find a cool place to rest and avoid strenuous activities.

Monitor your symptoms: If your symptoms worsen or you develop severe symptoms like confusion, rapid breathing, or chest pain, seek immediate medical attention.


Dehydration can lead to decreased physical and cognitive performance, heat-related illnesses, organ dysfunction, and increased risk of urinary and kidney problems, making it crucial to address promptly. ORS helps in treating dehydration by replenishing lost fluids and electrolytes, restoring the body’s hydration and electrolyte balance. Not only is it safe but it is the best way to treat dehydration. 

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