How To Know If What You Have Is A Herpes Rash?

Several factors can lead to skin rashes, including age, stress, extreme weather, and oily skin. But another possible cause can be Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV), a viral infection that can spread by skin-to-skin contact.

According to Dr Seema Oberoi Lall, Consultant Dermatologist, CK Birla Hospital, Gurugram, the most typical signs of an HSV infection are painful blisters or sores that appear on the skin. She says that these can either occur on the genitalia (genital herpes) or around the mouth (oral herpes).

Let’s delve deeper into what HSV is and the unique characteristics of the skin rash caused by the infection.

Also Read: Herpes: Causes, Symptoms And Can It Recur

The Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) And How To Affects The Body

Dr Lall says that there are two frequent viral infections caused by the HSV: oral herpes (HSV-1) or genital herpes (HSV-2).

Oral herpes spreads by oral contact and causes infections in or around the mouth, whereas genital herpes spreads by sexual contact.

Worldwide, more than 300 crore people under the age 50 have HSV-1 infection (oral herpes), and an estimated 49.1 crore people aged 15–49 have HSV-2 infection (genital herpes), according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

As per the doctor, sores on the skin, on the genitalia, or around the mouth can be caused by either kind of herpes simplex virus.

She further shares that herpes is extremely contagious and can be spread by direct contact with an infected person’s sores, saliva, vaginal secretions, or skin—even if they are not visible.

Moreover, after an individual contracts HSV, the virus stays latent in the body and may occasionally reactivate, leading to symptom flares, she adds.

How To Identify A Herpes Rash?

Dr Lall says the herpes rash appears as clusters of tiny pimples filled with fluid.

According to her, it is one of the distinguishing characteristics of a herpes rash.

“These blisters have a tendency to group together and may have red, swollen skin surrounding them,” she says, adding that herpes rash can cause pain or discomfort, particularly if the blisters burst and turn into ulcers.

It is also important to note that during their first infection, people may experience other symptoms, such as:

  • Fever
  • Body aches
  • Sore throat (oral herpes)
  • Headache
  • Swollen lymph nodes near the infection

In the case of genital herpes, if lesions are located close to the urethra, it may cause pain while urinating, says Dr Lall. If lesions occur on the lips or within the mouth, it might make it painful or difficult to swallow when you have oral herpes.

Herpes Or Shingles?

Many people often confuse herpes simplex and herpes zoster virus, also known as shingles, given that both these infections occur due to viruses from the herpesvirus family. Additionally, both conditions also cause blistering rashes. However, the two are separate conditions.

Herpes zoster infection is caused by the Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV).

While HSV causes a rash on the face, particularly mouth sores or genital rash, a herpes zoster infection usually causes rash in the form of small boils or small vesicular eruptions that mainly involve the skin and mucosal tissue, Dr Pruthu Dhekane, Consultant, Infectious Disease, Manipal Hospital, Baner, Pune, tells the OnlyMyHealth team.

He adds that it causes a skin rash, which is mainly in the form of vesicles, meaning small water-filled bubbles that are seen all over the skin.

According to the doctor, the best way to identify this rash is to check for the characteristic appearance of the vesicles and the location of these vesicles. Usually, the rash is limited to one side of the body, either the right side or the left side of the body.

Unlike an HSV infection, shingles is a dermatomal rash, which means it appears in a band-like pattern following a single nerve’s path, usually only on one side of the body.

Also Read: Shingles: Know Its Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

How To Prevent A Herpes Infection

Some of the preventive measures to reduce the risk of herpes transmission include: 

  • Keep clear of all forms of sexual contact, including oral, anal, and vaginal sex.
  • Wearing condoms can reduce the risk of herpes transmission to some extent, but not totally because the virus can still spread from the places they cover.
  • Avoid contact during outbreaks; refrain from kissing and engaging in sexual activity with people.
  • Speak with your sexual partners; it’s important to be open and truthful while discussing a partner’s herpes status.


Herpes can spread through skin-to-skin contact and lead to a painful skin rash. But as is known, skin rashes can occur for various reasons. This is why it is important to be aware of the unique characteristics of a herpes rash to speed up diagnosis and receive timely and appropriate treatment for the same. Consult an infectious disease expert or a dermatologist to find out what your skin rash means and take proper care.

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