How To Keep Your Heart Healthy And Safe During New Year Celebrations

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

It’s common knowledge that “moderation is the key,” particularly when it comes to drinking alcohol, indulging in your favorite meals, adjusting sleep habits, or engaging in strenuous physical exercise. Considering this, one should welcome the new year by embracing the “moderation mantra,” mainly because more and more people are visiting doctors with potentially fatal heart problems that are caused by binge drinking, overindulging in food, and sleeping through the night. 

“A significant risk factor when a person constantly engages in binge eating and drinking is a higher chance of developing diabetes and high cholesterol. It can also raise blood pressure and blood sugar levels in certain situations. According to medical professionals, recurrent episodes of binge eating and drinking can occasionally result in almost deadly consequences like cardiac arrest,” said Dr Prashant Pawar, Senior Consultant- Interventional Cardiology, Fortis Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi.

“Medical professionals and doctors have determined that one of the leading causes of cardiomyopathy, a condition that makes it more difficult for the heart to pump blood, is binge drinking and eating,” he added.

Moderation Is Key 

“It is highly recommended that drinking should be done in moderation, and the focus should be on wise dietary decisions, irrespective of drinking. For instance, while dining out, choose Indian food rather than meals heavy on meat and bread, among other things. Since Indian food has various alternatives low in calories, salt, and other harmful substances, it is relatively healthy and will keep a person satiated through the night,” Dr Pawar said. 

Also read: A Game Changer For Heart Health: Researchers Develop Vaccine To Lower ‘Bad’ Cholesterol

Another study by the American College of Cardiology has pointed out that binge drinking daily can increase the risk of Atrial Fibrillation (AFib). Alcohol consumption has an immediate or very immediate influence on one’s heart rhythm. Those who consume more than three drinks in one sitting are at a higher risk. This study further states that there is a 40 percent increased risk of an episode of atrial fibrillation for every 0.1 percent increase in blood alcohol content over twelve hours.  Therefore, drinking too much alcohol should be avoided entirely. 

Binge drinking and eating, when combined with insufficient sleep, can have severe consequences on a person’s health, both in the long and short term. In other words, the immune system and heart health can be revitalized by getting sufficient sleep, but the body functions can become disordered and fatal when binge drinking and eating are combined with insufficient sleep.

Also read: What Is A Silent Heart Attack? Expert Shares Signs You Should Not Ignore

Tips To Keep In Mind 

According to Dr Pawar, simple tips to keep your heart healthy during the festive season are:

  • Moderation is vital to avoiding binge eating/drinking episodes and making more heart-healthy decisions. 
  • Maintain your usual workout schedule; in keeping with the holiday spirit, you might want to explore dancing to your favorite music with loved ones to keep the calories burning.
  • During mealtimes, stick to smaller portions; if you feel hungry in between, have a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts.
  • Select healthier options over highly processed finger food during mealtimes.
  • Snack on fresh fruit instead of dessert.
  • Don’t forget to take your prescription medication on time and avoid drinking alcohol while taking it.

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