How Prostate Cancer Can Be Treated By Technology

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

Prostate cancer develops when cells in the prostate gland begin to divide uncontrollably. The prostate gland is only found in men. It produces some of the fluid found in sperm.

“Technological advancements are playing a pivotal role in improving patient outcomes. Let’s explore how technology is transforming the landscape of Prostate Cancer care, benefiting patients in numerous ways,” said Dr Prakash Sankapal, Consultant Urologist, Fortis Hospital, Vashi, Mumbai. 

1. Early Detection and Diagnosis

According to MayoClinic, as you become older, your chances of developing prostate cancer rise. It is most common after the age of 50.

Enhanced Screening Methods

According to Dr Sankpal, technological advances have made Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) screening more accurate, reducing false positives and guiding decisions for further evaluation.

Precision Imaging

Multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) and advanced ultrasound technologies helps better Cancer localization and characterisation, aiding in early detection and targeted Prostate biopsies.

2. Personalised Treatment

Genomic Profiling

Next-Gen Sequencing(NGS) uses a single assay to assess hundreds of genes including Cancer biomarkers. This includes genetic mutations specific to each patient, allowing for tailored treatment strategies.


Advanced immunotherapies, such as checkpoint inhibitors, tackle the immune system to act against advanced Prostate Cancer.

Targeted Therapies

Precision medicine has led to the development of drugs that specifically target the molecular pathways driving Prostate Cancer, increasing treatment efficacy.

Minimally Invasive Procedures

Robot-Assisted Surgery

Robotic-assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy offers greater precision and quicker recovery times than traditional open surgery.

HIFU Technology

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) allows non-invasive, precise tissue destruction with minimal side effects.

Advanced Radiation Therapy

IMRT (Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy) Therapy

  • These techniques deliver radiation precisely to the Prostate, sparing surrounding healthy tissue and minimising side effects.
  • Telemedicine and Telemonitoring
  • Telehealth Services
  • Telemedicine facilitates remote consultations, reducing the need for frequent in-person visits.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Data Analytics: AI-driven analytics process huge patient data, identifying patterns, predicting disease progression, and recommending personalised treatment plans.
  • Radiomics: AI analyses medical imaging data to extract subtle details, aiding in early diagnosis and treatment planning.

Tech is revolutionising Prostate Cancer care by improving early detection, personalising treatment, minimising invasiveness, and enhancing patient engagement. These advancements hold the promise of better outcomes, reduced side effects, and improved quality of life for patients with Prostate Cancer. As technology continues to evolve, collaboration among healthcare professionals, researchers, and technology developers will be crucial in optimising these innovations for the benefit of patients worldwide.

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