How Does Kidney Disease and Hypertension Affect Your Blood Sugar Level

Kidney Disease And Hypertension: How Does It Affect Your Blood Sugar Level

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The general health of a person can be greatly impacted by high blood pressure, also referred to as hypertension. Millions of people throughout the world suffer from this disease, which is one of the main causes of chronic renal failure.

High blood pressure can cause blood vessels in the body, particularly those in the kidneys, to become restricted and narrowed, causing damage over time. Blood flow is reduced as a result of the limitation. Blood vessels in your kidneys may be damaged, potentially leading to malfunction. 

We spoke to Dr Sujit Chatterjee, CEO, Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital to know how kidney disease and hypertension affect our blood sugar level.

Relationship Between Blood Sugar Level And Hypertension 

The pressure of blood on the walls of blood vessels while the heart pumps blood is known as blood pressure. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is characterised by an increase in the pressure that the blood exerts on the blood arteries as it circulates throughout the body. An increased blood pressure may result in fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Unfavourable blood sugar level is generally termed as diabetes. Diabetes is a common factor in kidney failure.

Also read: Living With Hypertension? Here Are Foods That Can Instantly Raise Blood Pressure

Relationship Between Kidneys and Hypertension 

The relationship between kidney and hypertension goes a long way. As per a study, hypertension results as a second leading cause of kidney failure. The kidneys’ nephrons, microscopic blood arteries, filter waste and surplus fluid from the blood. These blood vessels may be harmed over time by hypertension, which will affect the kidneys’ ability to operate appropriately. The kidney and other organs may suffer severe damage as a result of the blood becoming blocked with waste materials.

Diabetes can increase blood pressure in addition to sharing comparable risk factors and causes with hypertension. The circumstances that trigger high blood pressure may eventually result from insulin resistance and high blood glucose levels. 

Hypertension, blood sugar levels and kidney disease, all are connected in a way one thing leads to the other. By having any one of them you are likely to reach the other two. As a matter of fact one must adapt to a healthy lifestyle as a preventive measure to these terrifying diseases.

Managing Blood Sugar Levels in the Presence of Kidney Disease and Hypertension

If you have kidney disease and hypertension, it is essential to take steps to manage your blood sugar levels effectively. Here are some strategies that can help:

Follow A Balanced Diet

Work with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to create a meal plan that suits your specific needs. A diet rich in whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can promote stable blood sugar levels.

Monitor Blood Sugar Regularly

Regularly check your blood sugar levels using a glucose meter. This will help you track any fluctuations and allow you to make necessary adjustments to your management plan.

Take Prescribed Medications As Directed

If you have diabetes, hypertension, or both, it is crucial to take your prescribed medications as instructed by your healthcare provider. This will help control both your blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

Engage In Regular Physical Activity

Regular exercise has numerous benefits, including improving insulin sensitivity, aiding in blood sugar control, and reducing blood pressure. Consult your healthcare provider for suitable exercise recommendations based on your specific health condition.

Also read: Lower Blood Pressure: Here Are Some Warning Symptoms

Manage stress

Chronic stress can contribute to elevated blood sugar levels and hypertension. Practice stress-management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in activities that you enjoy.

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