How Can Exercise Help Prevent And Treat Cancer

Exercise To Fight Cancer: Expert Explains How It Can Help Prevent And Treat Cancer

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Cancer is a complex and life-altering disease that affects millions of people worldwide. While significant progress has been made in cancer treatment and management, the impact of cancer remains staggering. According to the Indian Council of Medical Research’s (ICMR) National Cancer Registry Programme, the estimated numbers of cancer cases in India in 2020 were 13.92 lakhs and it raised to 14.26 lakhs in 2021 and 14.61 lakhs in 2022. Exercise, with its ability to strengthen the body and invigorate the spirit, has now emerged as a captivating force in the prevention and treatment of cancer.

We spoke to Dr Kaury Rao, CSO and Co-Founder, PredOmix, who helped us understand the importance of exercise in preventing and treating cancer.

Dr Rao said that the risk of cancer can be influenced by genetics, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors. It is essential to note that one can take measures to reduce their risk of developing cancer and improve their outcomes, once diagnosed. 

Benefits Of Exercise In Fighting Cancer

Dr Rao said that exercise has numerous health benefits, including reduced inflammation, improved immunity, weight management, and improved mental and physical performance. Also, it has been found that exercise can lower your risk of getting breast, colon, and prostate cancer, among other cancers.  Exercise can also be beneficial in treating cancer, reducing the adverse effects of therapies, such as chemotherapy and radiation, enhancing bodily functions, and in some cases, even increasing the survival rates.” 

How Does Exercise Help Prevent Cancer?

Dr Rao listed ways through which exercise can help prevent and treat cancer and provided practical tips for incorporating exercise into a healthy lifestyle. 

Reducing Inflammation

Dr Rao said that inflammation is the body’s natural response to damage or infection. Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, can contribute to the development of cancer. Exercise can help reduce inflammation by regulating the immune system and reducing the production of inflammatory cytokines.

Also Read: Worried If Cervical Cancer Can Lead To Infertility? Here’s What Expert Has To Say

Boosting Immune Function

Exercise has been shown to positively impact the immune system, which is crucial for cancer prevention. As a result of increased immune cell circulation brought on by regular exercise, cancer cells can be more easily detected and removed before they develop and spread.

Controlling Weight

Breast, colon, and prostate cancer are just a few cancers significantly increased by obesity. Thus, by burning calories and gaining lean muscle mass, exercise can help people manage their weight, which lowers their chance of developing cancer.

Improving Gut Health

Dr Rao said that cancer and gut health are strongly related. Thus, exercise can aid gut health by encouraging the development of beneficial bacteria in the gut and lowering inflammation in the area. Doing this can reduce the risk of colon cancer and other cancers associated with a compromised digestive system.

How Does Exercise Help In Cancer Treatment?

Here is what Dr Rao has to say about exercise helping in cancer treatment:

Reducing Side Effects Of Cancer Treatment

Chemotherapy and radiation for cancer treatment can have side effects, such as pain, nausea, and fatigue. Hence, by increasing the overall fitness and decreasing inflammatory markers in the body, exercise can help lessen these adverse effects.

Also Read: Tonsil Cancer: Expert Explains Symptoms, Causes, Evaluation, & Treatment

Improving Mental Health

Cancer can have a negative impact on mental health, resulting in emotional problems like depression and anxiety. To combat this, exercising can help elevate mood and lessen signs of anxiety and depression in cancer patients.

Improving Physical Function

Cancer therapy can cause muscle deterioration and an overall decrease in physical abilities. Thus, strength, flexibility, and general physical function can all be improved by exercise, which can enhance life quality and lower the possibility of injuries.

The Life-Saving Benefits of Exercise in Cancer Prevention and Treatment

Regular exercise is crucial for both preventing and treating cancer. It can aid in lowering the chance of developing cancer, improving the prognosis for those already diagnosed, and enhancing the general quality of life. It’s important to note that the type and intensity of exercise may vary depending on the stage of cancer and individual health status. Also, it’s crucial to incorporate exercise into a holistic approach to cancer prevention and treatment, which includes a healthy diet, stress management, and other healthy lifestyle choices. Hence, by combining these strategies, individuals can reduce their cancer risk and improve their overall health and well-being.


Cancer patients should consult with their healthcare provider before starting an exercise programme to ensure it is safe and appropriate for their needs.

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