Health Tips To Follow To Be Summer Ready

As Summer Approaches, These Health Tips Will Make You Ready For The Season

3rd Edition of HealthCare Heroes Awards 2023

As the season is transitioning, you may observe that pink dusk, and you think about the season that is approaching — the summer season. Today, you might be packing back those woollens which were your saviours for the winter and thinking of preparing for the upcoming season. During this time, many people face some dilemmas about where to start preparing for summer in terms of their health. Here are some health tips to follow to be summer ready.

Ensure Hydration

If you are not careful, the increased heat and sweat during a hot summer might cause dehydration. Thirst, sometimes mistaken for hunger, encourages you to eat more food. You should set an aim of drinking eight to 10 glasses per day to help you keep your body’s water levels stable. Making a choice to drink more liquids is wise, and some of the healthy options are coconut water, green tea, or fruit-infused water.

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Choose Your Clothing Wisely

Choose loose, light-coloured cotton clothing over skin-tight denim comprising a considerably thicker fabric. Tight clothes make it more difficult for body heat to leave your body through your skin, which could lead to overheating. In addition, prolonged friction between the fabric and your skin might irritate and create rashes. Try to cover the areas of your body exposed to the sun to prevent sun damage.

Watch Your Diet

Diet plays an important role not just during winter but also in summer. Eat fruits and vegetables that provide a cooling effect to your body. You can include food items like cucumber, sesame, coconut water, mint, and watermelon.

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Don’t Forget Your Sunscreen

The best investment you can make for summer is sunscreen. Select a sunscreen that has SPF over 30. Sunscreen or sunblock forms a barrier between the skin and the sun’s harmful rays, shielding it from damage and preventing age spots, tan lines, sunburn, and other skin-damaging effects. You should stay off from the sun during peak hours to reduce UV radiation exposure. Apply sunscreen again every two to three hours if you are planning to be in the sun for an extended period of time. Also, invest in a body moisturiser that has SPF, as the sun’s rays also harm other body parts.

Take Care Of Hair

Like your skin, your hair must also be protected from the sun’s damaging rays. During the summer, your hair really suffers. Daily sun exposure causes heat damage, making it appear limp, greasy, and drab. You should make sure that you cover your hair with a hat or a scarf. Also, make sure that you wash your hair at least twice a week to eliminate dust and dirt from your hair. Use a shampoo and a conditioner with an oil basis, and make sure that you do not use hairdryers, straighteners, and other heating devices as often as possible.

Image Credits: freepik

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