From Cross-Training To Proper Technique: Expert Lists Tips To Avoid Orthopaedic Injuries

Onlymyhealth Tamil

Have you ever felt the frustrating sting of an unexpected orthopaedic injury, derailing your plans and leaving you sidelined? Whether you’re an avid athlete, a weekend warrior, or someone who simply enjoys staying active, orthopaedic injuries can be familiar challenges. If you have ever wondered how to avoid these injuries and maintain healthy musculoskeletal health, you’ve come to the right place. 

We spoke to Dr Rohit Jain, MBBS, MS, Orthopaedics (Gold Medalist), Regency Superspeciality Hospital, Lucknow, who listed tips you should follow to avoid orthopaedic injuries. 

Tips To Avoid Orthopaedic Injuries


Warm up and cool down

Dr Jain said, “Always warm up before engaging in any physical activity or exercise and cool down afterwards. Gentle stretching and low-impact movements can help prepare your muscles and joints for activity and reduce the risk of injury.”

Gradual progression

Whether you’re starting a new exercise routine or increasing the intensity of your current one, gradual progression is crucial. Sudden, significant changes in activity levels can strain your muscles and joints, leading to injuries. You should gradually increase the intensity, duration, and complexity over time. Avoid pushing yourself too hard too quickly, as this can lead to overuse injuries or strains.

Use proper technique

Whether you’re lifting weights, playing sports, or performing any physical activity, using the correct technique is crucial. Improper form can strain your muscles and joints, increasing the risk of injury.  

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Wear appropriate footwear

Dr Jain said, “Choose footwear that provides adequate support and cushioning for your specific activities. Ill-fitted shoes or improper gear can lead to imbalances and strain on your musculoskeletal system. Therefore, wear proper shoes to reduce the impact on your joints and protect you from injuries.”

Maintain a healthy weight

Excess body weight puts additional stress on your joints, increasing the risk of orthopaedic injuries and conditions such as osteoarthritis. Maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise can help protect your joints. As stated in StatPearls, there is a consensus that the increased strain on the skeletal system resulting from obesity leads to changes in body mechanics, which negatively impact joint function.


Dr Jain suggested, “Avoid overusing specific muscle groups or joints by incorporating a variety of exercises into your routine. Cross-training allows you to engage in different activities that target various muscle groups, reducing the risk of repetitive strain injuries.”


Listen to your body

Pay attention to any pain, discomfort, or changes in how your body feels during physical activity. If you experience persistent pain or unusual symptoms, take a break and seek medical advice if needed.  It’s important to rest when needed, and not to ignore persistent or worsening pain, which might indicate a more serious issue.

Stay hydrated

Proper hydration is essential for maintaining healthy muscles and joints. Drink enough water before, during, and after physical activity to support your body’s overall function.

Also Read: Arthritis In Women: Expert Lists Tips To Reduce The Risk

Include rest days

Give your body adequate time to recover between intense workouts or physical activities. Rest days allow your muscles and joints to repair and prevent overuse injuries.

Seek professional guidance

If you’re new to a particular sport or exercise regimen, consider seeking guidance from a fitness trainer or coach. They can help you learn proper techniques and create a safe and effective workout plan.


Dr Jain concluded, “Remember, preventing orthopaedic injuries is essential for long-term joint and muscle health. By taking these precautionary measures and being mindful of your body’s limitations, you can reduce the risk of injuries and enjoy a more active and fulfilling lifestyle.”


The information shared in this article is provided by a registered healthcare professional expert and is for informational purposes only. Hence, we advise you to consult with your expert if you notice any problem to avoid complications later.

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