Dos And Dont’s For Women Dealing With PCOS

PCOS Related Health Risks: Expert Lists Do's And Don’ts To Manage This Condition

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If you are experiencing an irregular menstrual cycle, obesity, acne, and excessive hair growth, you may be suffering from a health condition called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

PCOS is becoming one of the most common diseases in women today. It is a hormonal disorder and a lifestyle disease commonly found in young girls. It’s important to track the symptoms and make the necessary lifestyle changes to avoid further complications. 

Dr Sushma Tomar, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Fortis Hospital, Kalyan, listed some dos and don’ts for women dealing with this health condition.

Dos For PCOS

Do Not Skip Exercise

Women with PCOS should exercise for 30 minutes at least five days a week. It is not compulsory to go to the gym for intense exercises, a 30-minute walk daily will also work. You just need to keep yourself active by exercising regularly.

Follow A Healthy Diet

You should eat foods rich in fibre and those with anti-inflammatory properties to manage the symptoms of PCOS.

Dr Tomar said that consuming a fibre-rich diet will slow the digestive process and help combat insulin resistance by controlling sudden increases in blood sugar levels. Cauliflower, almonds, broccoli, sweet potato, and yellow and red pepper are good sources of high-fibre foods. Some anti-inflammatory meals like spinach, strawberry, tomato, and almonds will also help in dealing with PCOS.

Also Read: On Breaking Stereotypes, Managing PCOS & Maintaining Fitness, Diksha Singhi Opens Up About Her Journey

Do Not Neglect Your Sleep 

Lack of sleep may result in hormone imbalance, which can lead to hunger and unwanted consumption of unhealthy food. It may also elevate the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and insulin resistance. Getting a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep will help you feel refreshed and reduce the risk of obesity. 

Maintain Your Body Weight

Most women with PCOS deal with obesity. It can lead to further severe complications. You can control your weight by following simple lifestyle habits like regular exercise and healthy eating.

Also Read: Weight Management Is Crucial For PCOS Patients, Expert Explains Why

Dont’s For PCOS

Avoid Smoking

PCOS increases the risk of diabetes, atherosclerosis, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome. Smoking can further aggravate this problem.

Don’t Consume High-sugar Foods

Dr Tomar said, “PCOS is linked with insulin resistance disorder, therefore consuming excess amounts of sweet or sugar-rich food can lead to insulin resistance and significantly make the condition worse.”

Don’t Skip Doctor’s Appointments

If you’re undergoing PCOS or infertility treatment you should never skip your scheduled follows-ups. Your doctor will monitor the symptoms and progress of the disease, and suggest corrective measures.

Don’t Ignore Your Symptoms

There are various medications and treatment options available for PCOS. Discuss the symptoms with your healthcare provider regularly, and don’t be afraid to point out if any treatment isn’t working out for you.


From lifestyle changes to medical treatments, you need to take care of your health and well-being, no matter where you are on your PCOS journey. In addition, if you notice any symptoms associated with depression, such as excessive eating and sleeping habits, weight gain or loss, sleep imbalance or difficulty, and frequent mood swings, do not take it lightly. Report it to your doctor immediately.

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