Can High BP Make You Feel Anxious How You Can Control

Can High BP Make You Feel Anxious? Here's How You Can Control It

Onlymyhealth Dabur Vedic Tea

High blood pressure and anxiety have a complicated two-way relationship. While one can certainly set off the other, it’s important to understand the intricacies and adopt appropriate management techniques.

“This hypertension is caused by permanent alterations in the body. Only medication and, in certain situations, surgery can treat this hypertension. The causes include artery narrowing or blockage, hormone imbalance, thyroid, aortic constriction, adrenal gland disorders, and others,” said Dr Amit Bhushan Sharma, Director & Unit Head- Cardiology, Paras Health Gurgaon. 

How High BP can Fuel Anxiety

Physiological response

Elevated blood pressure often comes with physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat, chest tightness, and dizziness. These sensations can eerily resemble anxiety attacks, fueling further panic and worry.

Health concerns

A diagnosis of hypertension itself can generate anxiety about future health risks and potential complications.

Lifestyle factors

Some of the triggers for both conditions, like stress and unhealthy habits, can create a vicious cycle, exacerbating both anxiety and blood pressure.

Also read: 5 Yoga Asanas to Naturally Manage High Blood Pressure

How Anxiety can Push up BP

Fight-or-flight response

During an anxiety attack, the body releases stress hormones like adrenaline, causing a temporary surge in blood pressure and heart rate.

Chronic stress

Constant anxiety puts the body in a prolonged state of fight-or-flight, leading to chronically elevated blood pressure.

Unhealthy coping mechanisms

Some people may turn to alcohol, smoking, or overeating to manage anxiety, all of which can worsen high blood pressure.

Breaking the Cycle

Fortunately, managing both high BP and anxiety can be achieved through a multi-pronged approach:

Lifestyle modifications

Prioritise a healthy diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and stress management techniques like meditation or yoga.

Seek professional help

Don’t hesitate to consult a doctor or therapist for personalised treatment plans, which may include medication and therapy for both conditions.

Develop coping mechanisms

Find healthy ways to cope with stress and anxiety, such as deep breathing exercises, spending time in nature, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy.

Regularly check your blood pressure and keep track of your anxiety symptoms. Reporting any changes to your doctor is important.

Both high BP and anxiety are common conditions, and managing them effectively is possible. By understanding their interplay and adopting healthy habits, you can break the cycle, improve your wellbeing, and lead a fulfilling life. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small. Taking control of your health is a journey, not a destination.

By taking proactive steps and prioritising both physical and mental health, you can navigate the complex relationship between high BP and anxiety and find your path to optimal well-being.

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