Breakfast Options To Control Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetes Diet: 7 Breakfast Options To Control Blood Sugar Levels

3rd Edition of HealthCare Heroes Awards 2023

People with diabetes must remain conscious about their diet to manage their blood sugar levels. Missing breakfast can cause acute hunger pangs and blood sugar swings, resulting in overeating at meals. That will then shoot up the blood sugar level. It is important to choose breakfast options that contain protein, fibre, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. This can give your body the needed energy and manage blood sugar at the start of the day.

Healthy Breakfast Choices You Should Try


Did you know oats benefit people with diabetes despite their high carb content? Oatmeal is super-nutritious and is a smart choice despite the relatively high quantity of carbohydrates, because its fibre content can help reduce blood sugar levels.


Eggs are easily available, affordable, and easy to make. They contain high protein, fewer carbohydrates and calories. In short, the ideal breakfast for people with diabetes. You can eat it in many ways, from an omelette to simply a hard boil, and several other recipes in between. 


Tofu is a healthy alternative for vegans who are looking for ways to manage diabetes. It contains a good amount of protein and fats and very few carbohydrates. This is particularly good for those who have type 2 diabetes.

Also Read: Diabetes: 7 Easy Physical Activities You Can Do To Manage It

Plain Greek Yoghurt

Plain Greek yoghurt is suitable for people who want to eat something light in the morning. It is rich in protein and contains fewer carbohydrates, thus on the list of healthy breakfast options for diabetics. Greek yoghurt without added sugar has twice as much protein and half as many carbohydrates as regular yoghurt.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are powerful antioxidants that contain essential nutrients like protein, healthy fats, fibre, and fatty acids. Due to its high fibre content, it encourages healthy insulin resistance and aids in lowering blood sugar levels. You can make chia seed pudding to enjoy a delicious breakfast.

Nuts & Seeds

People with diabetes should add nuts and seeds as their breakfast options as they not only help regulate your blood sugar levels but also prevent heart disease. People who have diabetes are more prone to developing heart disease. However, overeating them may lead to weight gain, so consult a dietitian or doctor before deciding on the quantity.

Also Read: Chocolates: How Much Is It Safe For People With Diabetes


Sprouts are a rich source of protein and fibre. They improve your blood sugar levels and prevent the risk of heart disease. For breakfast, you can make lentils and sprouted whole grain dishes at home.


Obese people with type 2 diabetes can better control their disease and reduce weight by eating a good breakfast. The chance of developing insulin resistance can also be decreased with this. You should eat in moderation and never skip breakfast. You should ideally ask your nutritionist to prepare a diet chart, as dietary needs may vary among people.

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