What Does Heart Flutter Tell About Your Overall Health

 Heart Flutter: What Does It Tell You About Your Overall Health

Heart flutters, also known as heart palpitations, are uncomfortable and often can indicate an underlying health issue. Heart palpitations can range from a few skipped or extra beats to a rapid thumping in the chest that can be felt in other areas of the body. Although they can be frightening, these sensations are often harmless, but they can also be a sign of more serious health problems. 

What Are The Risks Of A Heart Flutter?

According to Dr Ajay Kaul, Chairman of cardiac sciences at Fortis Hospital, Noida, some patients feel a fluttering or flapping sensation in their chest. Your heart may feel like it is flipping. When the heart rate exceeds 200 beats per minute, it is considered abnormal. In this instance, the patient may become unconscious and must be treated with extreme caution.

In most cases, a heart flutter does not pose a risk to your heart health. However, if you experience heart palpitations and you have a family history of heart disease, you may be at a higher risk for developing a serious heart condition, and it is advised to seek medical advice if you experience heart palpitations. Your doctor can determine the cause of your heart palpitations and help you manage your heart health to reduce your risk of developing a heart condition.

What should you do if you experience a heart flutter?

If you experience heart palpitations, it is important to keep track of your symptoms and how they affect you. This information can help you and your doctor determine the cause of your heart palpitations and find the best treatment option for you. In some cases, heart palpitations are nothing to worry about and can be treated at home. If you think you might have a heart flutter, it is best to see your doctor. They can determine the cause of your heart palpitations and provide you with the care you need to manage your heart health. If you experience heart palpitations, it is important to remember that distress or anxiety can make your heart palpitations worse. Try to stay calm and focused on each breath to reduce any anxiety and make your heart palpitations subside. It also is important to speak to your doctor if you experience heart palpitations. In most cases, heart palpitations are nothing to worry about, but it is important to receive an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan to ensure your heart health.

Also read: Impact Of Chronic Snoring On Heart And Lungs

What Does A Heart Flutter Tell You About Your Overall Health?

If you experience heart palpitations, it is important to understand the cause. A heart flutter tells you that your heart is under stress and maybe experiencing some health issues. It is important to seek advice from a doctor so they can help you manage your heart health and reduce your risk of developing a serious heart condition.

How is a heart flutter treated?

If your doctor determines that you have a heart flutter caused by an underlying heart condition, they will likely advise lifestyle changes such as avoiding certain medications and making heart-healthy diet and exercise choices. If there is no underlying heart condition, you can treat a heart flutter with lifestyle changes, medication, or even electrical therapy. Lifestyle changes such as getting enough sleep, managing your stress levels, and eating a heart-healthy diet can help treat a heart flutter caused by an unknown cause. 

According to doctor Kaul, medications such as beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers also can be effective in treating heart flutters. 

If lifestyle changes and medications do not work, you may be a candidate for electrical therapy. Electrical therapy uses a small device that delivers a mild electrical current to the heart. It can help regulate your heartbeat, but it is only recommended in severe cases.

Also read: Heart Attacks While Exercising, Warning Signs One Should Not Ignore

What Lifestyle Changes Can Be Made To Prevent A Heart Flutter?

There are lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your chances of experiencing a heart flutter. First, it is important to be aware of your health and any risk factors that may put you at risk for a heart flutter. If you are at risk, make sure to take care of your heart health by following a heart-healthy diet, exercising, and getting enough sleep. When you feel your heart palpitations, it is important to remember that they are most likely not a sign you have a serious heart condition. 


Image credit: FreePik

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