Here Is The Full Guide On Best SARMs For Cutting And Bulking Stacks

I’m going to talk you through the best SARMs for cutting and bulking. I’m going to talk you through all of the main SARMs in detail for bulking and cutting, and how to use them. But more than that, this is a complete guide to using SARMs stacks for cutting and bulking. I’ll talk you through the best stacks for bulking, cutting, strength, and even for females who want to use SARMs to lose weight and tone up. There are a lot of misconceptions about SARMs out there, and I’m going to clear them all up for you today. So if you ever wanted a complete guide on using SARMs in 10 minutes, then this is exactly what you have been looking for.

Which Chemicals Are SARMs… And Which Are Not?

One of the big issues with SARMs use is that a lot of them aren’t actually SARMs at all.

SARMs is an acronym for selective androgen receptor modulators, meaning they selectively work is agonist on androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue, sending signals as if they were testosterone.

These are the most widely used “classic” and truly androgenic SARMs:

  • RAD-140 Testolone
  • LGD-4033 Ligandrol
  • S-23
  • MK-2866 Ostarine
  • S-4 Andarine
  • AC-262

With varying degrees of strength, the SARMs will grow bigger muscle, harden muscle, lift your energy levels, lift your mood, and cut fat faster. They mimic testosterone signals, giving a strong androgenic to anabolic ratio.

However, not all SARMs work this way at all. They are different research chemicals which are lumped in with SARMs purely for marketing purposes:

  • GW-501516 Cardarine
  • MK-677 Ibutamoren
  • YK-11 Myostatin
  • SR-9009 Stenabolic

To be clear, you could use all of those four together and it wouldn’t hit a single androgen receptor, nor deplete your testosterone, but you could use them to increase your energy levels and bulk up massively.

So, when constructing a SARMs stack, it’s always a good idea to mix a single androgenic one with one or more non-androgenic, so you minimize testosterone depletion.

Most Popular SARMs For Cutting

When it comes to cutting, and considering creating the best SARMs for cutting stack, these are the main choices you have:

  • GW-501516 Cardarine
  • MK-2866 Ostarine
  • SR-9009 Stenabolic
  • S-4 Andarine

Other SARMs can cut fat, but not as much. In addition, other SARMs bulk your muscle tone significantly, is where as these ones don’t.

You’ve basically got a choice of Andarine or Ostarine, with Andarine being slightly stronger in terms of its ability to harden grow muscle tone.

Underpinning these you’ve got Stenabolic and Cardarine, which increase energy availability, allowing you to burn more calories with ease.

If you want to get started with SARMs quickly, then Ostarine is a great starting point. It’s only mildly androgenic, and during a cut will allow you to shred a ton more fat with very little risk. It’s a great starting point, especially underpinned by Cardarine.

  • BEST CUTTING SARM: Ostarine (the original and safest to shred fat and protect muscles).
  • BEST ALTERNATIVE: Cardarine (dramatic energy increases that burns fat like crazy).

Most Popular SARMs For Bulking

So when it comes to using SARMs for bulking, the obvious choices are RAD-140, LGD-4033, S-23, and S-4 Andarine if you want less growth but incredibly hard and sculpted muscle growth.

You’ve also got the two non-androgenic SARMs YK-11 and MK-677. Both of these build very large bulk, and MK-677 increases your appetite as well, making it perfect for underpinning a huge growth stack.

MK-677 works as a ghrelin receptor agonist. It will increase your levels of appetite, and works to build muscle tone.

YK-11 actually works more like a steroid, in terms of the effects being general in the body. It is a Myostatin inhibitor. This is a hormone which regulates muscle growth, by lowering its activity, muscle growth breaks free of its inhibiting effects, meaning your muscles will grow larger across the body than you can ever achieve naturally.

I’d still also recommend you use Cardarine or Stenabolic in a bulking stack though. Because they increase energy availability, and Cardarine does this through stimulating fatty acid oxidization, changing your energy metabolism by reducing the way glucose is utilized. This promotes the burning of fat stores rather than the glucose and produces huge amounts of energy to burn.

  • BEST BULKING SARM: RAD-140 (large muscle growth, with shredding and energy gains).
  • BEST ALTERNATIVE: MK-677 (large muscle growth and appetite increases).

Best SARMs Cutting Stack

Let’s talk you through what I believe is the best SARMs stack for cutting. This includes several of the best SARMs for cutting I’ve already covered.

Here’s the stack you need:

  • 20 mg Ostarine daily
  • 20 mg Cardarine daily
  • 10 week cycle
  • Six-week break
  • Mild PCT may be required

This will protect your gains in a calorie deficit, maintaining your muscle tone. You’ll also lose more weight with Ostarine, and maintain high levels of energy.

The Cardarine increases your energy levels even more, and will burn fat reserves, shredding a ton of weight while giving you incredible endurance.

Ostarine is mildly androgenic, so at doses of around 20 mg and above, you may need to use a PCT supplement at the end. Mild doses (perhaps 25 mg per day) of Nolvadex for a couple of weeks should start to turn things around quickly though.

For increased potency, in terms of fat loss and hardening your muscle tone, then switch Ostarine for Andarine. Again, dose it at around 20 – 30 mg per day, as above this level you’ll start to get muscle growth and hardening which may not be your goal for a cut.

An alternative to using Andarine is to add another 10 mg of Ostarine per day, and perhaps another 5 mg of Cardarine to supercharge the mildest of cutting stacks to get better results. Don’t do this first time out though, because you don’t know how your body will react.

Best SARMs Bulking Stack

In choosing the best SARMs bulking stack, you’ve got an embarrassment of riches for the strength and type of growth you want.

But as I said, my rule is to only ever use one androgenic chemical with one or two non-androgenic muscle builders, so that you minimize androgenic side effects while still getting anabolic responses in the body.

Here’s the stack I always advocate using, especially for beginners:

  • 10 mg RAD-140 daily
  • 20 mg MK-677 daily
  • 10 mg Cardarine daily
  • PCT supplement required
  • 10 week cycle
  • Minimum six-week break

This flexibility is in the dosing here. You can increase the RAD-140 dose by 5 mg with ease, and the MK-677 by 10 mg if you want.

Instead of increasing muscle builder doses though, you could instead add 10 mg of YK-11 to increase muscle building without androgenic side effects, this is a great alternative to higher doses of the same SARMs.

If you want even more aggression in the androgenic SARM growth, then replace RAD-140 for S-23 or LGD-4033. You’ll get very large, but slightly wetter gains using these two potent androgenic SARMs. 

Note that the use of an androgenic muscle builder, even at a moderate dose, will deplete natural testosterone significantly. Some studies have shown that SARMs can deplete testosterone production by as much as 80% in just a couple of weeks.

You’ll need to use Nolvadex as soon as you feel the symptoms of testosterone drop, even if that means stopping the cycle a little early. Never push the SARMs cycle past the point of it feeling good.

Best SARMs Stack For Strength

Most SARMs produce strength, but the androgenic ones are better for doing this.

The downside is you can get that significant testosterone drop towards the end of a cycle at stronger doses, or multiple androgenic SARMs stacked.

The way around this is a single androgenic one at a moderate dose, backed up by an energy booster. This gives you an anabolic response, but finds another way to give you more energy availability to boost your strength and endurance through increased fitness and stronger muscles.

Here’s a simple stack for strength:

  • 20 mg S-4 Andarine daily
  • 20 mg Cardarine daily
  • 10 week SARMs cycle
  • Nolvadex PCT required

Andarine is supercharged Ostarine. Your muscle tone will harden, and your muscles will get stronger, and a little larger. You’ll be sculpted as well as feeling stronger and burning fat. I wouldn’t go above this dosage level though.

The stronger dose of Cardarine will give you significant energy to burn fast from your fat reserves.

A great alternative to Cardarine that works differently, especially if you definitely want to burn fat, is SR-9009 Stenabolic, which changes your circadian rhythm to increase your alertness and deliver higher levels of energy availability and output.

Best SARMs Stack For Women

Ladies using SARMs tends to do so in order to accelerate toning and fat burning, rather than muscle gains.

In addition, they often want increased levels of energy so they can enhance fat burning and aerobic exercise levels as well.

So putting that together, this is a brilliantly simple SARMs stack that protects your muscle tone, and even hardens it, in a calorie deficit (important you are in one), and dramatically increases the levels of energy you will have available:

  • 10 mg Ostarine daily
  • 10 mg Cardarine daily
  • 12 week SARMs cycle
  • Females don’t require PCT

This will do everything I’ve explained. If you find the 10 mg of Ostarine a little strong, which some women actually can, then drop it a few milligrams per day, or take 10 mg every other day instead.

After around six weeks, you’ll definitely feel stronger, and you’ll notice the re-comp happening. The fat will be coming off faster than you can ever achieve naturally, and will start to reveal leaner and meaner muscle tone.

The Importance Of Post Cycle Therapy When Using Androgenic SARMs

If you’re male, then it’s important to understand how androgenic SARMs deplete your testosterone supply.

The reason is simple. The higher the dose is, and the more you stack, the quicker it will happen and the longer it will take to come back.

You have to understand that androgenic SARMs mimic that signals of testosterone. Because they are hammering androgen receptors with higher levels of messaging telling them to grow and harden, the body panics and thinks it’s got too much testosterone and cuts production.

I’ll even advocate stopping the cycle early if you start to feel the signs of depletion heavily, things like depression, low energy, falling asleep in the afternoon, not getting properly hard, and even when being on SARMs not having huge amount of energy to complete your workout.

Choices for PCT are:

  • Nolvadex is the best all-rounder. At doses of up to 100 mg, more typically 75 mg or 50 mg, tapering down to around 20 mg after a week or so, it should bounce you back in a month.
  • Clomid is the most potent option immediately, but it’s effectiveness tapers down after a week or so, while Nolvadex efficiency improves with time. So using Clomid initially, and then swapping to Nolvadex after the first week is a great strategy.
  • An aromatase inhibitor, like raloxifene or anastrozole, is great towards the end of your cycle because it helps to lower estrogen conversion, preserving your increasing testosterone production.

Can You Trust SARMs Before And After Photos?

One thing that makes me cringe is those ridiculous SARMs before and after photos and claims.

Note that in this guide, I’m telling you facts about SARMs use, both good and bad, and not making huge claims about huge gains.  Let me be clear here: the gains you get will reflect the quality of the SARMs, the dosing, and the effort you put into working out and having good nutrition.

Remember, when you see those before and after’s, you don’t know how long they’ve used SARMs for. You don’t know what they’ve used, or what doses they have taken.

You also don’t know if they’ve used steroids previously, or if the photo is doctored. You literally know nothing about the claims being made, which is even worse in this age of AI images where nothing can actually be real at all.

Literally the only way to see what the best SARMs for cutting are for you, or bulking, or whatever, is to try them. Use the advice I’m giving you here as the base, and then go on your own journey.

SARMs Alternatives: CrazyBulk

SARMs do have problems around safety and availability:

  • You don’t know what you are putting in your body
  • You don’t know where it sourced from
  • You can’t know 100% if you can trust the information the company gives you
  • How do you know the purity reports are genuine?
  • SARMs long-term side effects aren’t known
  • Androgenic SARMs continually deplete testosterone production

If you’re sensible then the risk is manageable, but it is a risk. If you are unwell but don’t know it, it could amplify problems for you.

The alternative is to consider SARMs alternatives. These are made from safe and natural ingredients that are completely legal both individually, and as a sporting supplement.

They are not as potent as SARMs, but they do mimic how SARMs work in the body, and the effects each one brings.

So they are a halfway house that works really well. You can even use them alongside a single SARM to have the best of both worlds while minimizing your risk as much as possible.

CrazyBulk offer the best SARMs and steroid alternatives that I’ve ever used.

Here’s a selection of the best SARMs and steroid stacks that they offer:

  • CrazyBulk SARMs bulking stack
  • CrazyBulk SARMs cutting Stack
  • CrazyBulk ultimate SARMs stack (best for results maintenance)

Make sure you buy the stacks and not the individual supplements. They are heavily discounted and you will magnify the power of each of the supplements in them by using them together.

Two Best Places To Buy SARMs

The best SARMs for cutting and bulking are actually tougher to get nowadays, because supply has gone down and prices have gone up.

But a two places do still offer fantastic value SARMs of high purity at good prices, and I’ve used them all the way through the pandemic to now.

1. Chemyo

Chemyo have been around for long time, and offer a superb range of high-purity SARMs, these are the reasons to use them:

  • Larger 50 mL dropper bottles
  • High milligram doses per bottle
  • They sell a great range of low-cost SARMs powders
  • Prices and quality are among the best

As an example of the great pricing, 50 mL of Ostarine liquid, dosed at 25 mg/mL, costs just $69.95.

2. CrazyBulk

CrazyBulk also offer fantastic SARMs and steroid alternatives. Simply the best natural supplements that have very good safety profiles, so you can use them indefinitely, and they definitely produce significant results that mimic SARMs and steroids safely.

When you order them, always buy the stacks, always use the discount code on the homepage, and make sure you buy three months supply so that you get the third month free.

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