5 Warning Signs of Stroke

5 Warning Signs of Stroke: What To Look Out For

Having a stroke can be terrifying. When the brain is suddenly deprived of blood, it causes fear and panic. A stroke occurs when blood flow to part of the brain is blocked or restricted. This immediately causes damage to that area and will cause irreversible damage if left untreated; as a result, you’re at an extremely high risk of a second stroke within the next few days or weeks. It is important to know about the possible risk factors of a stroke so you know what to look out for. 

Warning signs of brain stroke

If you suspect that your loved one might have had a stroke, here are some of the most common warning signs of brain stroke:

Dizziness and Fainting

If your loved one suddenly develops a severe sensation of dizziness or fainting, they could have a stroke. This is common as the brain is starved of oxygen during a stroke, and so the body reacts by increasing blood flow to the brain in order to keep it alive. This can cause dizziness, which can quickly become a full-blown fainting fit. 

If this is occurring in someone who is prone to faint, such as a woman who has just given birth, then it’s important to get them to a medical centre as soon as possible. 

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Warning signs of brain stroke

Slurred Speech and Hearing loss

If a person suddenly develops slurred speech, they may have had a stroke. Stroke can cause damage to the parts of the brain responsible for speech, meaning that your loved one may find that they can’t form the words they want to say. They may have a reduced or impaired understanding of language, which can cause confusion and paranoia. 

Another common effect of stroke is hearing loss. If your loved one is finding it hard to understand people, or if they’re experiencing hearing loss, you should get them to a medical centre, as this could be a sign of a stroke.

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Tingling and Numbness

Signs of brain stroke

If your loved one has experienced a sudden tingling or numbness in their arm, leg or face, they could have a stroke. A stroke can cause blood vessels to spasm and rupture in certain areas of the body, such as the arm or leg. This spasm causes the blood flow through these areas to be blocked, resulting in the tingling, numbness and stinging that you’ve just experienced. 

If your loved one is experiencing a sudden onset of this, and it’s getting more severe or affecting their ability to walk or move around, then it’s a very clear sign that they have had a stroke.

Drooping Face, Muscle weakness and Paralysis

If your loved one suddenly develops a drooping face, muscle weakness, or paralysis in one arm or leg, this is a sign that a stroke may have occurred. If a stroke causes a blockage in the path of the blood to a part of the brain, this will cause the muscle in that area to weaken. 

This is most commonly seen in the face, causing drooping, and in the arm and leg, causing weakness or paralysis. If your loved one has developed a drooping face, you should get them to a medical centre as soon as possible as this is a very clear sign of a stroke. 

If you notice any of the signs above in your loved one, you should immediately call for an ambulance. 

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